EEG (electroencephalogram) - Mayo Clinic
2024年5月29日 · An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures electrical activity in the brain. This test also is called an EEG. The test uses small, metal discs called electrodes that attach to the scalp. Brain cells communicate via electrical impulses, and this activity shows up as wavy lines on an EEG recording.
EEG (electroencephalogram) - Doctors & Departments - Mayo Clinic
2024年5月29日 · Brain cells communicate through electrical impulses, activity an EEG detects. An altered pattern of electrical impulses can help diagnose conditions.
AI boosts the power of EEGs, enabling neurologists to quickly ...
2024年7月31日 · Mayo Clinic scientists are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to analyze electroencephalogram (EEG) tests more quickly and precisely, enabling neurologists to find early signs of dementia among data that typically go unexamined.
AI facilitates EEG approach for diagnosing ... - Mayo Clinic
2024年9月26日 · Mayo Clinic researchers and colleagues have developed a new approach for analyzing routine electroencephalography (EEG) recordings to identify brain activity associated with neurodegenerative diseases.
EEG (Electroencephalogram) Clinical Trials - Mayo Clinic Research
We perform an observational study of rare epilepsy patients implanted with electrocorticrographic (ECoG) and stereoencephalographic (sEEG) devices in our epilepsy monitor unit to record brain signals during cognitive and memory tasks.
Long-Term Electroencephalographic Monitoring for Diagnosis and ...
Long-term electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is the process of recording an EEG for a prolonged period in order to document epileptic seizures or other episodic disturbances of neurologic function.
Multiscale EEG Dynamics - Mayo Clinic
2023年6月8日 · Patients 1 day old and older with medically intractable partial or generalized epilepsy or facial pain who are undergoing clinical evaluation with the expectation of non-invasive or invasive inpatient EEG monitoring. Patients that are anticipated to undergo intracranial EEG electrodes will be prioritized for the study.
Ambulatory EEG Monitoring - Mayo Clinic Proceedings
The first section discusses ambulatory EEG monitoring and seizure disorders, with particular emphasis on the history, instrumentation, procedural matters for technologists, montage design, video-audio analysis, automatic analysis, and recording seizures in various age groups (adults, children, and neonates).
Eeg Clinical Trials - Mayo Clinic Research
Currently, an electroencephalogram (EEG) technologist must be called in from home during non-workday hours in order to obtain a stat EEG. The investigators propose the time required for diagnosis of NCSE at Mayo Clinic can be significantly decreased with rapid placement of …
Video-EEG monitoring in adults - Mayo Clinic
Video-EEG monitoring is an important diagnostic innovation that may be used to confirm the diagnosis of a seizure disorder and classify seizure type. The methodologies and clinical applications of video-EEG monitoring are reviewed. Long-term EEG recordings may be performed as an outpatient or in an epilepsy monitoring unit.