The EFQM Model - EFQM
The EFQM Model is a globally recognised management framework that supports organisations in managing change and improving performance. Trusted by thousands of organisations worldwide for more than 30 years, The EFQM Model not only remains relevant but continues to set the management agenda for any organisation wanting a long term, sustainable ...
EFQM模型 - MBA智库百科
EFQM模型是欧洲大陆使用最广的质量管理架构。 EFQM模型是一个非硬性规定的全面质量管理架构,包括9个原则, 其中5个属于“引擎”(Enablers),4个属于“结果”(Results)。 “引擎”原则指导企业怎么做。 “结果”原则指导企业达到具体目标。
Recognition - EFQM
EFQM Recognition Scheme. The EFQM Recognition scheme recognises the achievements of any type of organisation based on their sustainable performance level. Any organisation can apply for the rapid and advanced Recognised by EFQM, while the EFQM Global Award recognises and celebrates the highest-performing organisations around the world.
EFQM模型 - 百度百科
EFQM模型是欧洲大陆使用最广的质量管理架构。 EFQM模型是一个非硬性规定的全面质量管理架构,包括9个原则, 其中5个属于“引擎”(Enablers),4个属于“结果”(Results)。 “引擎”原则指导企业怎么做。 “结果”原则指导企业达到具体目标。 “引擎”导致“结果”,来自“结果”的反馈帮助进一步提高“引擎”。 EFQM模型承认有各种各样的办法达到可持续的卓越绩效。 但是,EFQM同时假定,不管是从绩效、员工、顾客,还是从社会角度来衡量,达到卓越的前提必须是,在有力的领 …
EFQM - Wikipedia
EFQM (the European Foundation for Quality Management) is a non-profit membership foundation established in 1989 in Brussels, when CEOs of 67 European companies subscribed to the policy document and declared their commitments to EFQMs missions and values. [1] .
Organisational Change Management - EFQM
The EFQM Model is a globally recognised management framework that supports organisations in managing change and improving performance. Trusted by thousands of organisations worldwide for more than 35 years, The EFQM Model not only remains relevant but continues to set the management agenda for any organisation wanting a long term, sustainable ...
EFQM全球奖科普帖:世界三大质量奖之一,助力企业从优秀到卓 …
2024年6月6日 · 首次参评,就一举夺得EFQM 全球奖 (七钻)以及“鼓舞人心的文化”杰出成就奖,成为EFQM全球奖采用新标准评审后,首家获得七钻的中国企业。 目前,世界上有80多个国家和地区设立了质量奖。 其中,日本的戴明质量奖(Deming Prize)、美国的波多里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)、欧洲的EFQM全球奖(EFQM Global Excellence Award)最为知名,被称为企业管理界的“诺贝尔奖”。 质量奖在全球范围内的影响力其实不仅 …
What Is The EFQM model? The EFQM Model In A Nutshell
2024年1月13日 · The EFQM model is a management framework helping organizations manage change and improve performance. It was created to help European businesses become more competitive and has since been tweaked and adapted. The EFQM model encourages businesses to answer three questions around direction, execution, and results.
EFQM Model: Management System with Focus on Quality
2024年6月28日 · One such framework that focuses specifically on quality is the EFQM model (in the current version: EFQM model 2020). This article explains what exactly is behind it, how the EFQM model works and how it can be combined with OKRs.
EFQM Model - FBE
2023年8月14日 · Benefits of the EFQM model: It helps organizations define their purpose and shape a value-creating culture that focuses on shared goals. It creates a comprehensive framework for improvement, spreading a culture of continuous improvement, sustaining excellence, improving leadership skills and driving innovation.
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