PADI CPR Training and First Aid Courses
With first aid and CPR training from Emergency First Response® (EFR®), you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to help someone in need and become an essential link in the chain of survival. Earn your CPR certification and learn basic first aid …
Emergency First Response Instructor - PADI
As an Emergency First Response Instructor, you teach skills based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines, and you can offer courses to anyone. The great thing about EFR courses is they make learning easy by providing a comfortable environment to practice emergency care skills.
Training Materials - Emergency First Response
This full-color, user-friendly manual encompasses CPR and AED training for adults, children and infants. It includes a paper completion card, student registration form and an emergency contact card for home and workplace. This 40-minute video encompasses CPR & AED techniques, and demonstrates skills in an easy-to-understand format.
PADI eCards: An FAQ for PADI Members - PADI Pros
2012年3月6日 · Beginning 10 January 2023, all PADI ® Divers and PADI Members will receive a PADI eCard™ instead of a plastic card when they receive a new certification or rating. The only students who will be issued plastic cards are: Bubblemaker and Seal Team participants ; Students younger than ten; EFR students certified by an EFR Corp Instructor
Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care - PADI
Learn how to perform CPR, provide first aid that eases pain, assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting. PADI eLearning: 2-4 hours. Entire course: 4-8 hours. The Emergency First Response® Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) course combines flexible online self-study and in-person training.
Professional Association of Diving Instructors
Lost your Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First Aid), Care for Children, CPR & AED or other EFR certification card? Order a replacement card with the EFR design to provide proof of your training to an employer or other agency.</p>
How to access your PADI or EFR eCard This guide is for Students who have completed their certification at a PADI Center/Resort or with a PADI Instructor that is affiliated with PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa or PADI Asia Pacific
EFR Courses – Which One is Right for You? - PADI Blog
2024年2月16日 · Read on to determine which of the available Emergency First Response (EFR) courses is right for you. EFR is an organization founded with the creation of confident and capable first responders in mind. Its courses cover everything from life-saving basics to comprehensive secondary care.
Courses FAQ - Emergency First Response
After successfully completing the course, participants receive a course completion card. Emergency Responders can refresh their skills through a short skills practice session or as part of a regular Emergency First Response class.
발급된 EFR 자격증 웹사이트 확인방법, E-Card : 네이버 블로그
수업때 알려드린 절차대로 일단 PADI 계정이 생성되었다면, 아래 순서대로 따라가며 본인의 EFR 자격증이 정상적으로 발급 되었는지 확인하실 수 있습니다. 일단 아래 웹사이트에서 E-Card가 확인된다면 EFR 자격증은 정상발급 된 상태이기 때문에, 원하신다면 플라스틱카드 추가발급 이라던지.. 하는 이후 모든 행정처리가 문제없이 가능합니다. 참고로 아래 절차는 PADI 스쿠버다이빙, 프리다이빙 공통입니다. 자.. 그럼 Start!! 1. `크롬`에서 아래 주소로 접속합니다. 참고로 Internet …