EFTA Court
The EFTA Court fulfils the judicial function within the EFTA system, interpreting the Agreement on the European Economic Area with regard to the EFTA States party to the Agreement. At present those EFTA States are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway ...
EFTA Court - Wikipedia
The EFTA Court is a supranational judicial body responsible for the three EFTA members who are also members of the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. As members of the EEA, the three countries participate in the European single market of the European Union .
EFTA Court
The EFTA Court consists of three Judges, one nominated by each of the EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement. The Judges are appointed by common accord of the Governments for a period of six years. The Judges elect their President for a term of three years.
The EFTA Court – Past, Present, Future - scup.com
2023年3月9日 · In Sveinbjörnsdóttir (E-9/97), the Court developed its vision of the EEA, holding that it constitutes an «international treaty sui generis which contains a distinct legal order of its own» with an unwritten principle of State liability equalling that found in EU law.
The EFTA Court - Bloomsbury Publishing
The EEA Agreement extends the four freedoms (persons, goods, services and capital) to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It provides for equal conditions of competition and abolishes discrimination on grounds of nationality. The EFTA Court, celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, has jurisdiction over parties to the Agreement.
The EFTA Court. The EFTA Court has jurisdiction with regard to EFTA States which are parties to the EEA Agreement (at present Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The Court is mainly competent to deal with infringement actions brought by the EFTA Surveillance Authority against an EFTA State with
EFTA Court
To launch the search, click on. The results page will display all cases that include the selected document type (e.g. you searched for an Order of the Court and the results page will show only cases that include an Order of the Court).
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The EFTA Court
EFTA Court - EU Courts This calls for an interpretation of EEA law in line with new case law of the ECJ regardless of whether the EFTA Court has previously ruled on the question. The EFTA Court frequently cited by the EU Courts and Advocates Generals, e.g.: E-3/00 ESA v Norway (precautionary principle); E-4/09 Inconsult (is website a durable ...
EFTA Court
The Court is an independent judicial body established under the so-called Surveillance and Court Agreement entered into by the 3 EEA/EFTA States. The Court’s staff is remunerated in accordance with the Coordinated Organizations’ common system of salaries.
The EFTA Court: Structure and Tasks | SpringerLink
2015年12月12日 · The EEA Agreement is the only association agreement ever concluded by the European Union which allows and obliges the associated States to have their own court. Without the EFTA Court, the EEA Agreement could not function. The present contribution focuses on the...