Gaussian Multiple Description Coding with Low-Density ... - IEEE …
2012年1月23日 · Abstract: It is shown that the coding problem for an arbitrary point on the dominant face of an L-description El Gamal-Cover (EGC) region can be converted to that for a vertex of a K-description EGC region for some K≤ 2L-1, where the latter problem can be solved via successive coding.
On the Role of the Refinement Layer in Multiple ... - IEEE Xplore
2011年2月17日 · Abstract: We clarify the relationship among several existing achievable multiple description rate-distortion regions by investigating the role of refinement layer in multiple description coding. Specifically, we show that the refinement layer in the El Gamal-Cover (EGC) scheme and the Venkataramani-Kramer-Goyal (VKG) scheme can be removed; as a ...
Multiple description coding based on LDGM codes - IEEE Xplore
We introduce a sequential coding technique for the corner points of this EGC* region and implement it using low-density generator matrix based codes. Furthermore we use timesharing to approach any point on the dominant face of the EGC* region. Our experimental results show very good practical performance.
A Random Variable Substitution Lemma With Applications to …
2009年9月17日 · Specifically, it is shown that the El Gamal-Cover (EGC) region is equivalent to the EGC* region (an antecedent version of the EGC region) while the Venkataramani-Kramer-Goyal (VKG) region (when specialized to the 2-description case) is equivalent to the Zhang-Berger (ZB) region.
El Gamal and Cover (EGC) obtained an inner bound of the 2-description rate-distortion region, which is shown to be tight for the no excess rate case by Ahlswede [1].
EGC is the system for broadcasting messages via the Inmarsat satellite communications system and supports services: SafetyNET and SafetyNET II. This handbook deals mainly with the distribution of Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
多重描述编码与可扩展编码中细化层的作用 - CSDN文库
2024年7月14日 · 研究发现,El Gamal-Cover (EGC)方案和Venkataramani-Kramer-Goyal (VKG)方案中的细化层是可以移除的,这导致EGC区域等同于其早期版本EGC*区域,而VKG区域(在2描述场景下)则与Zhang-Berger (ZB)区域等价。
Homework two: source coding theory and practice - studylib.net
Write a “new” achievable region for the multiple description problem by combining EGC coding scheme and that by Zhang and Berger. 3. Discuss the inclusion relation among the EGC region, the simplified EGC region, Zhang and Berger’s rate region and the region you give in problem 2.
(PDF) Gaussian Multiple Description Coding with Low-Density …
(DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2012.12.100562) It is shown that the coding problem for an arbitrary point on the dominant face of an L-description El Gamal-Cover (EGC) region can be converted to that for a vertex of a K-description EGC region for some K≤ 2L-1, where the latter problem can be solved via successive coding.
Salinity dominance on the Indian Ocean Eastern Gyral current
2013年10月15日 · In the upper ocean, a strong salinity front exists between fresh water from the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) in the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and salty subtropical waters. In that region, salinity overwhelms the temperature contribution to density gradients, generating eastward geostrophic shear and establishing the EGC.