NCI-N87 is a gastric carcinoma cell line derived in 1976 by A. Gazdar and associates at the National Cancer Institute from a liver metastasis of a well differentiated carcinoma of the stomach taken prior to cytotoxic therapy. The tumor was passaged as a xenograft in athymic nude mice for three passages before the cell line was established. 1.
Effect of EGF on Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas expression in ulcerous
Three different doses of EGF were applied to the primary culture of biopsy samples from ulcer patients and gastric cancer cell-line (ATCC-NCI-N87) . The expression levels of Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas genes were measured with quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR).
Induction of neuropilin-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor …
2003年3月4日 · In our study, C225 blocked both VEGF and NRP-1 mRNA induction by EGF in a dose-dependent manner in NCI-N87 cells. EGF has been shown to influence various signalling pathways, including...
Combining trastuzumab and cetuximab combats trastuzumab …
EGFR is over-expressed and highly activated in the trastuzumab-resistant NCI-N87 cell line. We modeled the development of acquired resistance in patients by treating the ErbB2-overexpressing gastric cancer cells line NCI-N87 with 10 μg/mL of trastuzumab for 6 months to obtain the trastuzumab-resistant subline, NCI-N87TR.
Combining gene expression analysis of gastric cancer cell lines and ...
2022年3月9日 · A selection of gastric cancer cell lines (Hs746T, MKN1, MKN7 and NCI-N87) was treated with EGF, cetuximab, trastuzumab or afatinib for a period of 4 or 24 h. The effects of treatment on gene expression were measured by RNA sequencing and the resulting biomarker candidates were tested in an available cohort of gastric cancer patients from the ...
Anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody cetuximab ...
Investigation of the effect of cetuximab on the activation of EGFR-EGFR, EGFR-HER2 and HER2-HER2 homodimers and heterodimers was conducted using the NCI-N87 human gastric carcinoma cell line. Treatment of NCI-N87 cells with cetuximab completely inhibited formation of EGFR-EGFR homodimers and EGFR-HER2 heterodimers.
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NCI-N87 人胃癌细胞
NCI-N87 细胞表达表面糖蛋白癌胚抗原(CEA) 和TAG 72,并且没有左旋多巴胺脱羧酶(DDC) 活性。 它 们的血管活性的肠肽(VIP) 受体活性极低并缺乏胃泌激素受体。 它们表达蕈毒碱胆碱受体。 没 有证据表明存在N-myc, L-myc, myb 和EGF 受体基因的重组。 这个细胞株表达的c-myc 和c-erb-B 2 RNA 水平与其它细胞株相当。 以 下基因不表达: N-myc, L-myc, c-cis, IGF-2, 或胃泌激素释放肽。 报道NCI-N87 细胞的植板率为4.3%。 注意:1. 低温保存的细胞非常脆弱,请 将冻存管放 …
2024年5月13日 · Luciferase NCI-N87 细胞稳定表达萤火 虫荧光素酶和绿色荧光蛋白。该细胞株性状稳定,培养时不需要添加抗生素维持。 可用作萤火虫荧光素酶活性检测中的阳性对照,也可用于活体动物成像实验。 NCI-N87 细胞通过慢病毒转染的方式携带 Luc 基因。 活性检测报告 见 ...
Enhanced antitumor activity of trastuzumab emtansine (T …
In cultured NCI-N87 cells stimulated with epidermal growth factor (EGF) or heregulin-α, concomitant treatment of T-DM1 and pertuzumab significantly inhibited proliferation and increased caspase 3/7 activity compared to either agent alone.
(PDF) Effect of EGF on Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas expression in ulcerous ...
2017年1月1日 · Three different doses of EGF were applied to the primary culture of biopsy samples from ulcer patients and gastric cancer cell-line (ATCC-NCI-N87) . The expression levels of Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas...
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