Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
2 天之前 · Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important management tool for ensuring optimal use of natural resources for sustainable development. A beginning in this direction was …
Understanding EIA - Centre for Science and Environment
Environment Impact Assessment or EIA can be defined as the study to predict the effect of a proposed activity/project on the environment. A decision making tool, EIA compares various …
Beyond 25 years of EIA in India: Retrospection and way forward
2021年3月1日 · Review of 25 years of EIA in India. The paper recommends four key areas for improvements: a) scoping; b) follow-up; c) capacity building; d) use of SEA. Environmental …
Welcome to Environment
2014年11月20日 · As per Aadhar Regulations 2016, User Agencies/ Proponents are advised, not to upload any personal/ confidential documents (like Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID etc) at …
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - UPSC Notes
Environmental Impact Assessment In India. EIA started in India in 1976-77 when the Planning Commission directed the Department of Science & Technology to assess the river valley …
EIA Notification, 2006 and subsequent amendments
Serial No. Notification Download File; 70: S.O.3372(E), date the 26th July, 2023: 69: S.O.2226(E), date the 18th May, 2023: 68: S.O.1832(E), date the 21st April, 2023
EIA Guidance Manuals
S.No. Project activity Download; 1. Mining of Minerals: 2. Offshore Onshore: 3. Thermal Power Plants: 4. Nuclear Power Plants: 5. Coal washeries: 6. Mineral beneficiation
Environmental impact assessment in India - iPleaders
2021年7月13日 · Applicability in India. EIA was first introduced in 1978 with regard to the various river valley projects all over the country and later expanded to include various other …
EIA Legislation - Centre for Science and Environment
The environment impact process was integrated into the Indian legal system in 1994 when Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification came into existence. The objective of the …
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) - Vajiram & Ravi
2023年8月26日 · In India, there are 39 categories of projects that require an environmental clearance (EC) process and are subject to EIA. The EIA notification was first formulated in …