CEIA Security Metal Detectors
NetID Anywhere ® is a cloud-based network management solution for CEIA walk-through metal detectors (WTMD) and OPENGATE ® weapons detection system that centralizes access to important statistics, automates monitoring of critical calibration settings, and much more.
CEIA Security Metal Detectors
On its own, the CEIA SMD ® 600 Plus WTMD is already a complete and efficient solution for the high-sensitivity detection of any metal weapon and any cellphone/smartphone in applications, such as the correctional facilities, where the inmates to be …
CEIA Security Metal Detectors
The HI-PE Plus Multi-Zone Metal Detector provides accurate detection of all metals, high level of discrimination of non-threat items, full compliance with the latest Security Standards and exceptional immunity to external interferences.
www.ceia-usa.com THREAT DETECTION THROUGH ELECTROMAGNETICS NEW WTMD IP66 PMD2 Plus CONTROL UNIT ENHANCED WALK-THROUGH MULTI-ZONE METAL DETECTOR KEY FEATURES Superior Detection and Throughput High Discrimination of Non-Threat Items Exceptional Immunity to external interferences Compliant with the strictest Security
SMD600 Plus金属探测门 - ceia-net.com
2024年8月30日 · SMD600 Plus 是市场上首款完全符合 NIJ - 0601.02 标准的金属探测器,适用于高灵敏度应用场景,同时在高安全公共筛查检查站中也能实现高吞吐量。 完全符合 NIJ - 0601.02 执法标准的要求,包括灵敏度、辨别力和抗干扰性。 符合并通过了机场安全筛查最严格标准的认证。 高灵敏度:能快速、准确地分析过境人员身体的各个部位,内置程序可用于筛查武器和违禁品,具有 Met - Identity 技术可识别威胁成分,能精确定位单个和多个金属目标。 高辨别力:采 …
Metal Detector (WTMD). The cellphone/smartphone detection and discrimination capabilities of the new MSD EVO TM, state-of-the-art magnetostatic 18-axes detector that provides unparalleled detection uniformity and immunity against interferences. On its own, the CEIA SMD600 Plus WTMD is already a complete and ef cient solution for the high ...
Walk-through metal detectors (WTMDs), also called portal or personnel screening metal detectors, are devices used to screen individuals for weapons or other concealed contraband. They are used for security at checkpoints in airports, government facilities, entertainment and transportation venues, and other buildings.
CEIA WTMD Walkthrough Metal Detector HI-PE/PZ 20 Zones
CEIA WTMD Walkthrough Metal Detector HI-PE/PZ 20 Zones Spesifications : Key features Accurate Detection of magnetic, non-magnetic and mixed-alloy metal weapons Wide range of threat detection from guns to ½ cutter blade High Discrimination and Throughput Exceptional Immunity to external interferences
Kit for upgrading the standard version to outdoor applications according to IEC 60950-22; this kit includes shelters, crossbars, protection covers for power supply and IP67 mains power supply adapter.
www.ceia-usa.com THREAT DETECTION THROUGH ELECTROMAGNETICS NEW WTMD IP66 HI-PE Plus CONTROL UNIT ENHANCED WALK-THROUGH MULTI-ZONE METAL DETECTOR KEY FEATURES Accurate Detection of all Metallic Threat Items High Discrimination and Throughput Exceptional Immunity to external interferences Compliant with and Certi ed to …