Evaluation of the Engagement and Intervention Model
The Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM) is a risk-based model designed to assist Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff working in both security and health activities in responding to, and resolving institutional incidents, using the most reasonable interventions.
Commissioner's directive 567: Management of incidents
Using the AIM risk evaluation tool, staff will arrive at a level of risk, based on the probability of harm occurring and the severity of the harm. The level of risk will be determined as low, moderate or high. escaping.
Evaluation report : evaluation of Correctional Service Canada's ...
"This report presents the evaluation of the Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM), which is a risk-based model designed to assist Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff working in both security and health activities in responding to, and resolving institutional incidents, using the most reasonable interventions.
MARC21 - publications.gc.ca
|a"This report presents the evaluation of the Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM), which is a risk-based model designed to assist Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff working in both security and health activities in responding to, and resolving institutional incidents, using the most reasonable interventions. To have and maintain safe ...
In January 2018, the Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM) was developed to emphasize the importance of non-physical and de-escalation responses to incidents, and to clearly distinguish response protocols for situations involving physical or mental health distress.
Office of the Correctional Investigator Annual Report 2020-2021
Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM) In January 2018, CSC introduced the EIM to replace the Situation Management Model as a “risk-based model intended to guide staff in both security and health activities to prevent, respond to, and resolve …
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - 2023-2024 Annual Report of the Office of …
Canada (2018), a review of CSC’s internal complaints and grievances system, the examination of Quality of Care Reviews for natural cause deaths in federal custody, population pressures in women’s institution, and a review of the impact of the Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM) on use of force incidents.
The EIM model, in theory, requires staff to think critically and to include a healthcare response when necessary—it is a correctional variant of a policing co-response model.
Evaluation of the Engagement and Intervention Model: Summary
The Engagement and Intervention Model (EIM), is a risk-based model designed to assist Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff working in both security and health activities in responding to, and resolving institutional incidents, using the most reasonable interventions.
Informing Correctional Officer Discretion: A Co-Response Model …
2022年11月7日 · Always within the framework of discretion, I explore the co-response model employed by CSC and how CSC embeds prisoner health awareness into CO training through the EIM. The EIM is central or informs arguably all aspects of COR training.