PKP Intercity
PKP Intercity offers Express Intercity Premium (EIP) trains for long-distance travel in Poland with online ticket reservations and additional services.
Express InterCity Premium – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Express InterCity Premium (skrót EIP) – najwyższa w hierarchii kategoria pociągów uruchomionych przez spółkę PKP Intercity. Pociągi kategorii Express InterCity Premium kursują od 14 grudnia 2014.
Express InterCity Premium – Wikipedia
Express InterCity Premium, kurz EIC Premium oder EIP, ist die höchste von PKP Intercity angebotene Zuggattung in Polen. Als Express InterCity Premium werden die mit den Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen der PKP-Baureihe ED250 angebotenen Verbindungen bezeichnet.
Express InterCity Premium | Eurail
EIP trains run on the important North-South axis in Poland. It connects Warsaw with Gdánsk, the Baltic Sea in the North, and three major cities in the South: Krakow, Katowice, and Wrocław. EIP trains connect with many other trains in Poland, such as the regional trains or IC trains which can continue your journey to the smaller towns and ...
Express InterCity Premium (EIP) - PKP IC | train types - railcc
Express InterCity Premium (EIP) are the flagship trains of PKP Intercity. The high speed trains are capaple of running up to 250 km/h currently operate at speeds of up to 200 km/h on the lines from Warsaw to Gdansk, Krakow, Katowice and Wroclaw.
Pendolino na każdą kieszeń - PKP S.A.
14 grudnia br. na polskich torach zadebiutuje nowa kategoria pociągów PKP Intercity: EIC Premium (EIP). Nowoczesne składy będą kursować pomiędzy Warszawą a Trójmiastem, Krakowem, Katowicami oraz Wrocławiem, a cenowo będą dostępne dla każdego. Pendolino będzie pociągiem dla wszystkich.
PKP Intercity - Wikipedia
PKP Intercity is the subsidiary of the PKP Group responsible for long-distance rail passenger transport in Poland. It operates around 350 trains daily, connecting large agglomerations and smaller towns in Poland. It offers its services under TLK, InterCity, Express Intercity and Express Intercity Premium brands.
Express InterCity Premium | Eurail欧铁
波兰火车站的座位预订费用为每个座位1兹罗提,与通过pkp(波兰铁路)网站预订座位的费用相同。eip列车需要支付额外附加费。 EIP列车需要支付额外附加费。
What are the types of trains in PKP? - PolishTrains
EIP trains reach the highest speeds on Polish tracks (up to 200 km/h), which significantly reduces travel time. However, the price of the service includes first-rate service, with meals delivered to the seat, access to fast internet, and more personal and luggage space.
Poland’s Flagship High-Speed Train – Gdańsk ... - Rail-Away
2023年5月21日 · The EIP trains serve the cities of Gdynia, Gdańsk, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Katowice and Krakow and are capable of running up to 200 km/h on Poland’s rails. European train travel aficionados might recognise these trains that part of the ‘New Pendolino’ family, identical to those in other countries in Europe and China.