Aselsan EIRS - Wikipedia
Aselsan EIRS (Early Warning RADAR System) is a new generation S-Band radar, developed for long range early warning purposes, with AESA and digital beamforming antenna architecture.
EIRS - Radartutorial
EIRS (Erken İhbar Radar Sistemi; engl.: early warning radar) is operating in the S band (IEEE designation) or in the E/F band (NATO designation) long-range early warning radar, developed by the Turkish manufacturer ASELSAN. Its advantages are an active phased array antenna (AESA), and digital beamforming technology.
tracking performance. EIRS is a highly mobile standalone system with its radar, command control/communication and power systems on tactical trucks without mounting/demounting operations for deployment and marchorder. EIRS can be connected to radar networks and can exchange 3D air picture among different EIRS systems and the Air Force command
EIRS, is a new generation S-Band radar developed for long range early warning, with its AESA and digital beamforming antenna architecture. EIRS has the ability to detect and track air breathing targets, anti-radiation missiles and stealth/low RCS targets from very long ranges. AESA and Digital Beam Foming architecture together with Mul -
Aselsan completes Turkish EIRS Portable Early Warning Radar …
2020年11月16日 · EİRS is a new generation S-Band radar, developed for long range early warning purposes, with AESA and digital beamforming antenna architecture. In addition to air-breathing air targets, EIRS also has the ability to detect and track Ballistic Missiles and targets with stealth technology/ low RKA from long range.
New contract for ASELSAN Early Warning Radar | TURDEF
2023年5月18日 · EIRS is a new generation S-Band radar with AESA technology and digital beam-forming antenna infrastructure. EIRS can detect and track air-breathing, anti-radiation, ballistic, and low RCS targets from long ranges.
Aselsan Unveils its T/EIRS and STR Systems - Defence Turkey
TEIRS will have Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) type antenna technology (electronic scanning and digital beam forming architecture) with a target detection range of 470 km. TEIRS will be able to detect and track targets with very small …
ASELSAN’ın EİRS radarı 700+ km’den ISS’i tespit etti
2024年4月24日 · EİRS, uzun menzilli erken ihbar amaçlı geliştirilen, AESA ve sayısal huzme oluşturma altyapısında anten mimarisine sahip, yeni nesil S-Bant bir radardır. EİRS hava soluyan hava hedeflerinin yanı sıra Balistik Füzelerin ve görünmezlik teknolojisine sahip/düşük RKA’lı hedeflerin uzun menzilden tespit ve takip kabiliyetine de sahiptir.
EIRS | Military Wiki | Fandom
EIRS (Erken İhbar Radar Sistemleri; engl.: early warning radar) is a mobile Active electronically scanned array long range early warning S band 3D radar, mounted on a MAN 8x8 truck, produced by ASELSAN for the Turkish Armed Forces.[1][2][3][4]
Aselsan "EIRS" early-warning radar - Wikimapia
EIRS (early warning radar) is operating in S-Band long-range early warning radar, developed by the Turkish manufacturer ASELSAN. Its advantages are an active phased-array antenna (AESA), and digital beamforming technology. It can work stand-alone, or as part of an air defence network.