Solved: EK01 & EK02 Condition Type - SAP Community
2009年12月19日 · You can use the condition type EK02 to calculate the profit margin of a make-to-order item in a sales document. The system calculates the cost of manufacturing and copies the result as an EK02 condition type into the pricing screen of the sales document.
Solved: EK02 Condition type - SAP Community
2010年4月8日 · EK02 is the condition type that is used for calculating the cost. When sales order is created for MTO scenario, we will be running the Costs in the sales order (sales order costing). The cost value is stored in this condition type. This condition type is only statistical and displays the value incurred by the company in manufacturing the product.
Solved: How to get EK02 value of a sales order which is no... - SAP ...
2020年4月8日 · You can use BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE function in your add-on program. The function will go basically through the same processing steps as VA01 goes and will return sales order simulation data in the output parameters. You can find the results of sales order pricing in ORDER_CONDITION_EX export table.
MTO销售发货成本问题及解决方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
按单生产 (MTO)模式下的评估类型和账户分配情况,有如下5种情况 (SAP后勤 这本书中有详细说明): 产成品的需求分类可定义不同的评估类型,系统提供了三种评估类型,其影响分别如下: 1.评估设置为A:销售订单库存金额等于销售订单数量*物料标准成本; 2.评估设置为空白:生产订单入库,直接消耗,计入到成本 (消耗)科目中,入库后无库存价值; 3.评估设置为M:销售订单的库存金额等于销售订单数量*销售订单的成本,销售订单的成本按照如下顺序进行评估: 1)用 …
条件EK02在定价过程中丢失_sap ek02-CSDN博客
2022年6月23日 · EK01和EK02都来自CK51N的计算结果。但是EK01参与SO价格计算,而EK02是统计作用,不参与SO净值计算。EK01,EK02使用的前提是MTO的业务,如何在SO层面体现MTO,当然是requirement type后面assigned requirement class了。其次,需要在order type或者是requirement class里面执行condition _sap ek02
ek01和ek02都来自ck51n的计算结果。 但是EK01参与SO价格计算,而EK02是统计作用,不参与SO净值计算。 定价过程:RVAA01EK01,EK02使用的前提是MTO的业务,如何在SO层面体现MTO,当然是requirement type后面assign..._sap ek02
EK02什么时候会出现在销售订单???详细配置提供参考!! - SAP …
2009年3月27日 · 现在既然物料计划策略配置中定价类型字段设置为空值,销售订单类型设置为“ek02",不同的物料相同的销售订单,还是会有的有ek02,有的没有ek02? EK02究竟与计划策略有什么样的联系?
SD-- SAP定义的几个标准Cost Condition的说明和科目配置收藏_sap …
2009年1月16日 · EK01和EK02都来自CK51N的计算结果。但是EK01参与SO价格计算,而EK02是统计作用,不参与SO净值计算。EK01,EK02使用的前提是MTO的业务,如何在SO层面体现MTO,当然是requirement
Condition type EK02 In pricing procedure - SAP Community
2008年5月8日 · In your pricing procedure, look for the condition type EK02. In standard SAP, condition EK02 is determined in pricing determination because this condition is mandatory. Hence you are able to see this amounts in your sales order. The costs are transferred from the cost component view 'Cost of goods sold' into the condition type.
2631863 - Cost condition with datasource Q (condition EK02 ... - SAP
In order to have cost condition in CRM you use condition EK02 or you use a custom condition type with condition category 'Q' (Costing), as indicated in SAP Note 2030179. The condition EK02 has a negative value in pricing of CRM business transactions. You expect a positive value, as the value in ECC pricing is positive.