EG6 vs EK9 - EK9.org JDM EK9 Honda Civic Type R Forum
2011年4月13日 · The advantages (as far as I see them) come from the chassis being stiffer, better bracing & sorted suspension and to a certain degree the brakes on the ek9. However, if you have already taken the trouble to address these issues with the eg you have you may not notice too much of a difference between the two in the handling area.
【七大差別;大對比】EK9 B16A引擎 Vs EG6 B16B引擎 - Blogger
那EK9的B16B 185PS和EG6的B16A 170PS又差在哪裡? 這差得可就真多了: 1. 汽門輕量化。 汽門正時的氣密性與準確性也更高,7500rpm以上的馬力也才不會流失太多。 但是排汽門則與B16A同,並沒有另外加工。 2.雙汽門彈簧。 這也是在追求汽門正時的氣密性與準確性。 3.進排氣拋光。 並沒有到閃閃發亮的地步,這是紅頭還可以手工升級的地方之一。 4.超高凸頂鍍鉬活塞。 是所有B系列引擎中最凸的一顆。 雖然B16B的壓縮比只有10.8, 但是! B18C Type R只要一 …
DC5 TYPE R VS EK9 VS EG6 请教 - 車車有得FUN - 新西兰天维网社 …
2024年3月30日 · dc5 2.0 k20 引擎 ek9 和 eg6 都是1.6 准备弄一个na 轻量化赛道玩个人感觉eg6 和ek9 乐趣比较多, 毕竟 vtec 暴力点,但是1.6 确实有点没劲,改装砸一堆也上不去多少匹d ...
Ek9 Vs Eg6 - EK9.org JDM EK9 Honda Civic Type R Forum
2007年7月17日 · i've ridden a friend's modded EG6 (converted) & it's nowhere near the EK9, the EK9 drives like a dream, in stock form it's already enough to satisfy most corner carvers like me. the EK9 is the only FWD car that has ever excited me this much (2nd only to my 600RR) when it comes to handling.
whats better eg6 or ek9/ek4 - EK9.org JDM EK9 Honda Civic …
2010年5月24日 · The EK9 is the best out of the box as it has all the Type R goodies and a seem welded chassis from factory, but for the price you could easily buy an EG6 and up it to the same spec or better with the same amount to buy a Std EK9.
EG6 vs. EK9 : r/AssolutoRacing - Reddit
2020年4月10日 · Discover an all-new refined and exhilarating driving experience. Which one is better for tight tracks like Touge? and, if possible, please send a tune.
头文字D车型解析之EG6/EK9 - 百家号
2018年3月5日 · 不过真正让大多数车迷记住思域的还是第五代的eg6和第六代的ek9,分别搭载了b16a(170马力)和b16b(185马力)的vtec引擎,配合轻量化的车身以及出色的底盘结构。
Ultimate Honda Civic Showdown: EG6 vs. EK9 - YouTube
Rev up your engines and buckle in for an exhilarating joyride through Kanazawa City Loop, where the legendary Honda Civic EG6 takes on the mighty EK9 in a pu...
『ホンダシビックEG6とEK9では、ノーマルではどちらが...』 ホ …
2025年3月17日 · 結果的に、自分はEG6試乗して、EK9も試乗して、 EG6にB18C(R)載せています。 あと、気をつけたいのが、タイプRのエンジンは 頑丈ですけど、くたびれているのが多いです。 実測150psだったりします。 そんなエンジンだと、調子の良いEG6の方が 速いですよね。
ek9 vs DC2 chassis - Zerotohundred
2009年2月5日 · The EK9 is obviously a newer design and therefore the suspension and body is stiffer. However, Honda made the DC2 Type R quite a lot stronger than the EG6 or DC2 SiR when is debuted in 1995 autumn. When the EK9 debuted in 1997 autumn with its increased handling performance, the 98 Spec DC2 quickly followed in 1998 winter.