ASYS Group: SERIO 4000
The patented EVA™ vision system is equipped with two high-resolution CCD cameras mounted into one camera module. The camera module measures the fiducial marks, while the camera moves between the stencil and the substrate.
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The patented optical positioning system EVA™ (EKRA Vision Alignment System) features 2 high-resolution cameras with “Look-up + Look-down”technology for reliable recognition of low contrast fiducials and surfaces.
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Ekra E1 with Camera's FIVE CAMERA 2D/3D In-Line AOI System with Exclusive OMNI-VISION® 2D/3D Inspection Technology - Mirtec MV 7 OMNI Series. Could your company use some $$$?
X5 Professional-ManufacturerChina-Hong Kong Seiki …
Its patented optical positioning system, EVA™ (EKRA Vision Alignment System), features two high-resolution cameras with "Look-up + Look-down" technology, ensuring reliable recognition of low-contrast fiducials and surfaces.
EKRA印刷机配件XPRT5-Camera Y轴皮带synchronous …
本店主营德国EKRA印刷机配件与技术服务,专注于Serio4000、XPRT5、X5、X4、X1、E4、E5、E1...各系列机种。 十年专业服务,值得满意信赖! 淘宝商品的好评率及分布是由用户真实购买后的历史评价数据计算得到。 评价方未及时做出评价,系统默认好评! 欢迎来到淘宝网选购EKRA印刷机配件XPRT5-Camera Y轴皮带synchronous belt5011100162, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供 …
Comparison of SMT Printers: MPM, DEK, Ekra, GKG and ESE
2024年10月31日 · Ekra printers are a strong choice in the SMT printing market, offering a blend of speed, precision, and automation that caters to various manufacturing needs. Their notable innovations in real-time process control and adaptive squeegee pressure make them suitable for both high-volume production environments and complex PCB designs.
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Choose from ekra e4 calibration camera products, companies, forum discussions and technical articles - over 43 results.