EL34 SE V Single-end Tube Amplifier 10W+10W Kit …
This EL34 SE amplifier employs common pentode EL34 vacuum tubes for the class A amplification with 6SN7 / 6SL7 as the input stage. The 6SN7 tubes are configured as two cascading stages, the common-cathode and cathode follower, respectively. The output power can reach 10W for each channel.
6SQ7 - EL34 SE amp design - diyAudio
2021年6月27日 · This is an SE amp I designed to use the very linear 6SQ7 high gain tube as a driver, built with some Edcor 15W 3.5k OT, to a UL tapped EL34. This amp sounds fantastic and is a simple/cheap design to build.
Single ended el34 amp - EL34 World
2016年12月11日 · Several forum members have built EL34 SE amps. Maybe they will chime in. Meanwhile, go snoop around this site... A schematic, layout, and hi-rez pics are very useful for troubleshooting your amp. Don't wait to be asked. JUST DO …
EL34 single ended - diyAudio
2021年11月30日 · Recentely I built an EL34 SE with a similar OPT of yours (identical power and primary impedance, but different manifacturer). I was happy by running it with 6CG7 pre tubes in SRPP, I tried also cascode.
EL34 Single-Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier Schematic EL-34
2014年9月6日 · Single-Ended (SE) EL34 Tube Amplifier Schematic with EF86 input stage. The power supply is solid state. The filament supply is regulated at 6.3V using a LT1085 voltage regulator.
the EL34 is a bit more 'forward' than a true directly heated triode but still smooth and rich with of plenty of single-ended mojo. This amp is pretty easy to build, offering lots of opportunities to experiment with the sounds of different types of parts (e.g. Angela/SCR Metalized Polypropylene Caps, Sprague Atom conventional electrolytics, etc.).
A Simple EL34 SE Single Ended Tube Amplifier - Altervista
This little monster delivers about 8+8w using a pair of EL34 SE in ultralinear mode. The output thansformer is rated 2300ohm and can be used to build a lot of project using famous tubes, like 2A3 and 300B.
EL34 SE Stereo Amp with Siemens OPT - Tube Classics
EL34 SE Stereo Amp with Siemens OPT This is one of my absolute favourite power amps. About 8 watts RMS output power from a single ended EL34 output stage are more than enough for a good hifi speaker. The driver is a simple parallelled ECC83 design. Both - power and output transformers - come from a Siemens 2524 amp.
胆艺轩6N9P SRPP推EL34 SE装机报告 - 『DIY实例与心得体会』
2006年10月19日 · 胆艺轩6n9p srpp推el34 se电路是经过千锤百炼的电路了,相信大家都能闭着眼睛画出来,对于大多数同学来说,该电路简单可靠,器件选择也十分方便,有米的下猛料,普通同学则可以根据市场渠道决定。
DIY SE KT88 / 6L6 / EL34 / 6CA7 Tube Amplifier - DIY AUDIO …
2014年9月10日 · A DIY Single-Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier Project that is compatible with KT88 / 6L6 / EL34 / 6CA7 tubes. A 6N1P dual triode is used to drive the output stage. DIY Audio Projects