EL509 amp circuit design - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2013年6月16日 · This is a continuation of Impressions of the EL509 tube. I've decided I want to build an amp based on JJ's version of the EL509 tube. This tube has an octal base (no plate cap). Some design constraints for this amp: EL509 output tube, triode strapped, push pull configuration. Class A output stage operation.
OTL = Output Trasformer Less Tube Amplifiers - Audio Design …
EL509 OTL by Shinichi Kamijo; SRPP 20 watt Class A OTL by Fabio Camorani from Sound Practices (I have complete artile) SRPP 20 watt Class A OTL by Fabio Camorani from Costruire Hi-Fi (I have complete artile) Transcendent Sound, …
基于EL509×16 SEPP OT - 功率放大器电路图 - 电子发烧友网
2010年3月29日 · 基于EL509×16 SEPP OTL 150W+150W的立体声 功率放大器 工原理及电路图. 电子 束力管EL509之4个并队列连接的SEPP输出级,是用身体单元兜风 DC power amplifier。 主人 AC 100v线起源年,大的由于省却了起源变压器的事是轻量紧凑,不过,低的阳极压也高效率低失真根据做作品的Ip+Isg方式,8Ω由于货物 (负担)每频道150W高功率。 束射管是屏幕栅极由于高 (贵)压 (Esg)的事,大的阳极流 (Ip)得到reru积蓄,OTL 放大器 普通通过图1连接,阳极给予着比 …
基于EL509×16 SEPP OTL 立体声功率放大电路 - 面包板社区
2024年11月5日 · 电子束力管EL509之4个并队列连接的SEPP输出级,是用身体单元兜风DCpower amplifier。 主人AC100v线起源年,大的由于省却了起源变压器的事是轻量紧凑,不过,低的阳极压也 ...
EL509 OTL for high impedance speaker array - diyAudio
2017年12月5日 · I think I would like to try and build a OTL amp based on EL509, but I would like to run a single tube and construct a large array of high impedance speakers to achieve a suitable impedance for the output tube without using parallel tubes.
25Wx2 EL509 OTL Amp - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2013年8月10日 · I'd read about OTL amps and their costs and reliability problems. And then I ran into a schematic for a 25 or 80 watt/channel OTL amp, called "The Transcendent OTL", in Bruce Rozenblit's interestingly titled book, "Audio Reality." The design was scalable (25 or 80 watts per channel) and used EL509 outputs.
基于EL509×16 SEPP OTL 150W+150W的-EL509,OTL,技术文章-电 …
Ip+Isg方式束射管是屏幕栅极由于高(贵)压(Esg)的事,大的阳极流(Ip)得到reru积蓄,OTL放大器普通通过图1连接,阳极给予着比压(Ep)高(贵)的Esg都。图1 图1 地方束射管,像图2特性弯曲一样地Ep降低的话,Ip少做,替代屏幕栅极流(Isg)增加。
Show your OTL Tube Amplifiers - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2022年7月4日 · I don't have experiences with the EL509/PL509 and the EL519/PL519, but I heard from others who did work with them that they are very prone to oscillations. Also the spread between individual tubes is high so often matching is needed.
Hard-Core OTL Amplifier Design - Tube CAD
Unlike the "normal" transformer-coupled, tube-based power amplifiers that use common and readily available output tubes, such as the EL34 and 6550, and simple input and driver circuits, OTL power amplifiers use oddball tubes, such as the 6AS7, 6C33, EL509, and 26HU5.
基于EL509×16 SEPP OTL 立体声功率放大电路 - 维库电子 ...
2019年5月22日 · 电子束力管EL509之4个并队列连接的SEPP输出级,是用身体单元兜风DCpoweramplifier。 主人AC100v线起源年,大的由于省却了起源变压器的事是轻量紧凑,不过,低的...