Data At Rest Encryption | Viasat
The Eclypt® Freedom is an external portable USB3.0 256-bit hardware encrypted SSD and HDD. The Viasat DARC-ssd® range is a highly secure DAR storage solution for protecting …
Viasat’s Eclypt technology integrates sophisticated authentication, entire-disk encryption and data storage into tamper-resistant internal or portable hardware that safeguards your data. This …
The Viasat Eclypt® Freedom is an encrypted, portable drive that gives fast access to secured data. Accredited by government organizations around the world to protect important data, the …
Viasat’s Eclypt® Core 600 data-at-rest hardware encryption solution is certified for use in the UK to secure up to Top Secret information, as well as certified for use by NATO (SECAN) and
To avoid the need for users to write their own applications, FlagStone applications are provided with the Eclypt Drives. These FlagStone applications are provided on Optical Media, …
The Viasat Eclypt Freedom is an encrypted, portable drive that gives fast access to secure data. Accredited by government organizations around the world to protect important data, the Eclypt …
Cryptographic Module Validation Program CMVP - NIST …
The FlagStone Core is a multi-chip embedded cryptographic module used within the Eclypt and the Eclypt Freedom Drives. The FlagStone Core, and subsequently the Eclypt and Eclypt …
Viasat - Data at rest encryption solutions | Edgit
The Eclypt® Core encrypted internal hard drive protects data at rest in COTS laptop and desktop computers. During high-risk operations, this self-encrypting hard drive protects your valuable …
Eclypt Freedom Encrypted External Hard Drive
2022年8月19日 · Accredited by government organizations around the world to protect important data, the Eclypt Freedom uses advanced hardware-based full disk encryption. In the event of …
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Eclypt® Freedom
Eclypt® Freedom Encrypted External Hard Drives Eclypt integrates sophisticated authentication, entire disk encryption and data storage into tamper-resistant internal or portable hardware that …