the last edition I introduced the concept of EM zoning - an essential EMC engineering technique if filtering, shielding (screening), surge and transient suppression are to work as intended.
What Is Zone? How To Setup Zone? What Is The Best Practice? - Dell
2015年1月20日 · Zone is a logical configuration on FC-SAN switches. By adding the specific devices to a zone, the administrator can allow the devices to communicate with each other. Once a zone is configured, only the devices in this zone can talk with each other. If the device does not belong to this zone, it could not communicate with the devices in this zone.
This also uses the concept of EM Zoning, although it calls them LPZs (for Lightning Protection Zones) instead. However, lightning protection is just one aspect of EMC, and so we can combine the lightning protection requirements with other EMC requirements, when we do EM Zoning.
The Ten Commandments for EMC, part 2 « Electronic Environment
2015年6月30日 · Zoning is a design tool used to achieve balanced EMC solutions. Zones, zoning and zone boundaries are described and illustrated with simple geometric figures (see Figures 1 and 2). Zoning, Example 1.
Protection Design, Testing, Data Analyses, EMP, EMC, COMSEC, ZONING …
The electromagnetic protection process is an evaluation of risk assessment against criteria (EMP, EMI/EMC, TEMPEST, EM-health). The entire process covers mainly: risk evaluation, design, construction, maintenance and testing.
Good EMC design techniques: EM mitigation and zoning (Part 5)
Zoning is an essential EMC engineering technique if filtering, shielding (screening), galvanic isolation, surge and transient suppression are to work as intended at frequencies above about 100kHz, whether we are constructing a cabinet, a system, or an installation of any size – even up to the size of a national network.
To design for EMC and to meet EMC standards, the designer should minimize emissions (RF energy exiting from products), and increase susceptibility or immunity from emissions (RF energy entering into the products). Both emission and immunity can be classified by radiated and conductive coupling, as shown in Figure 1.
For high-speed signals, use differential (LVDS) lines. A corollary of the requirement to minimize IO speeds is this: Design the system so that the data rates between subsystems is an absolute minimum. Use serial, rather than parallel, bus structures to minimize the number of wires.
EM segregation techniques are part of a larger topic in EMC Engineering that is often called “EM Zoning”. EM mitigation measures are applied at the boundary of each EM Zone, to control the EM disturbances that could enter or exit the zone.
PCB Design for EMC - Engineering Technical - PCBway
2014年2月19日 · The electromagnetic interference, EMI or electromagnetic compatibility, EMC performance is a key factor in the design of the board. Making sure the end equipment conforms to local EMC and interference requirements can be a costly process if corners have been cut in the design and manufacture of the PCB, so some of the cost saving approaches can ...