Mouse Emd qPCR Primer Pair(小鼠Emd qPCR引物 …
Mouse Emd qPCR Primer Pair,即小鼠Emd qPCR引物对,主要用于基于SYBR Green的qPCR、One-Step qRT-PCR或semi-quantitative PCR。 本引物为预先设计、经过qPCR验证、预混的引物对。
Addgene: Vector Database - pET-28 a (+)
EMD Biosciences Alt Name pET28a Plasmid Type Bacterial Expression Expression Level High Cloning Method Unknown Size 5369 5' Sequencing 1 Primer T7 Fwd 5' Sequencing 1 Primer Sequence 5'd[TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG]3' Tag 1 His (Nterm and Cterm) Bacterial Resistance Kanamycin Notes Nterm thrombin cleavage site; a,b,c vary by …
Emerin (EMD) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_000117) - OriGene
The primer mix has been tested to generate satisfactory qPCR data on ABI 7900HT by using the following PCR program: Stage 1: Activation: 50 °C for 2 min; Stage 2: pre-soak:95 °C for 10 min; Stage 3: Denaturation: 95 °C for 15 sec, Annealing: 60°C for 1 min; Stage 4: Melting curve: 95°C for 15 sec, 60°C for 15 sec, 95°C for 15 sec.
Human EMD qPCR Primer Pair - Beyotime
Human EMD qPCR Primer Pair,即人EMD qPCR引物对,主要用于基于SYBR Green的qPCR、One-Step qRT-PCR或semi-quantitative PCR。 本引物为预先设计、经过qPCR验证、预混的引物对。
EMD - PCR Primer Pair - Probe | PrimePCR | Bio-Rad
Gene-specific PCR primers for the unbiased preamplification of small quantities of cDNA for subsequent use in downstream gene expression analysis. List Price: $169.00
Human EMD qPCR primer pairs - abscience.com.tw
qPCR引物描述 : Verified forward and reverse primers for analyzing the quantitative expression of gene . 質控信息: The primer mix has been verified to generate satisfactory qPCR data on Roche LightCycler480
EMD - PrimePCR Assay and Template | Life Science | Bio-Rad
Use Bio-Rad's PrimePCR assays, controls, templates for your target gene. Every primer pair is optimized, experimentally validated, and performance guaranteed.
碧云天生物技术-Human EMD qPCR Primer Pair(人EMD qPCR引 …
Human EMD qPCR Primer Pair,即人EMD qPCR引物对,主要用于基于SYBR Green的qPCR、One-Step qRT-PCR或semi-quantitative PCR。 本引物为预先设计、经过qPCR验证、预混的引物对。
Emerin (EMD) primers - dmd.nl
Position: position of primer (numbering according to the coding DNA Reference Sequence). Length (in bp): length of PCR-product in basepairs. Forward / reverse primer: sequence of forward and reverse primer.
Emd Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_007927) | OriGene …
A ready-to-use mix for SYBR Green qPCR, containing ROX reference and suitable for all qPCR instruments without adjusting the concentration of ROX. 1 vial of lyophilized qSTAR qPCR primer mix (1 nmol each primer, sufficient for 200 reactions). Before use, reconstitute the primer mix in 200 µl dH2O to make a final concentration of 10 µM.