emg 81/85 or 81/60 combo? - Electric Guitars - Harmony Central
2007年7月20日 · The 60 has pretty good cleans and I like the 85 in the bridge way better than the 81. The 81 has a tendency to sound thin to my ears where as the 85 sounds fatter. +1 -- maybe even a 60A in the neck?
EMG 81 vs. 85 for Bridge - Amps - Harmony Central
2005年12月16日 · Have quite the quandry do I get a 85 for the bridge pos. or the 81. I've already figured for a 60 in the neck position. It is an ibanez with an ash? body birdseye maple neck and a rosewood fretboard- i would like to make this a heavy hittin' tone machine. I've already got a Jem7vwh and its untouc...
POLL: EMG 81 vs 60 for neck position - Amps - Harmony Central
2006年12月5日 · if you need any pickup for playing some cleans and a fairly good lead tone, the 60 is the way to go. EMG 81 doesn't sound that great for clean but still could be a good option. what's in the bridge position ? if already an 81..I'd suggest something else for …
Anyone else use an EMG 85 in the bridge? - Harmony Central
2010年8月27日 · i used to have a sz320, the 1st year they came out, great guitar. i also had the 85/81 combo. swapped them around and was suprised. the 81 sounded great in the neck, very clear/clean sounding. i love the 85 in the bridge, sounds fatter, has some ooommmppphh to it.
EMG 85/60 Combo - Electric Guitars - Harmony Central
2009年2月20日 · The key to EMG pickups is is silver logo = 81, gold logo = 85, red logo = 89, grey logo = 60. Also a lot of times, guys that only play in their bedrooms will talk smack about a professional level product without understanding it's intention. The EMG 81 and the Duncan JB are two prime examples.
EMG-81 VS EMG-85, which one is better for drop tuning?
2007年3月8日 · Most of my ESP guitars come with EMG-81/81 and EMG-81/60, I would like to try the EMG-85 for bridge postion. However, I set most my guitar as Drop C, so would EMG-85 is better than EMG-81 for this settin
emg 60 vs 85 in neck - Electric Guitars - Harmony Central
2005年6月28日 · The 60 is cleaner, and has less output. IMO the 85 is a killer bridge pup, but is too hot and too fat for the neck when driven. Did you know the 85 is EMG's hotest pickup, with more measurable output than the 81?
EMG 81/85 VS 81/60 - Electric Guitars - Harmony Central
2009年4月14日 · 81/85 vs 81/60. which is better for solo's in the neck position. goin thru an amp think recto/6505 and a ts808.
Very muddy EMG's - Electric Guitars - Harmony Central
2010年4月3日 · The 85 is actually pretty high output and usually the 85 in the neck position with reasonably high gain is about my least favorite EMG tone. I used to have an LTD EC1000 with the 81/60 combo and I was very impressed with the tones I could get out of that guitar.
Here's a quick EMG(81/60) vs Dimarzio(Norton/Paf Pro) …
2010年5月9日 · Guitar: Peavey Wolfgang (maple neck/fretboard + basewood body) for EMGs(81 bridge, 60 neck, 18volts), Ibanez RG3120 (maple neck/rosewood + mahogany body/flame maple cap) for the Dimarzios(Norton bridge, Paf Pro neck)