Which EMG guitar pickups for a bass? - TalkBass.com
2006年1月10日 · EMG does not make "drop in" replacement pickups for a Rick. I'm fine with that because I intend to mount pickups to the pickguard, just like from the factory. I am aware that you can use Guitar pickups on a bass, but I honestly have no idea what EMG guitar pickups would sound best in the stock neck and bridge 4003 positions.
EMG X Series - What's the Difference? - TalkBass.com
2006年5月4日 · I have tried quite a few EMG pickups in my bass builds. The X series is better in my opinion. More headroom and just sounds fuller. Comparing the 40DC to the 40DCX in the same bass - the X series had more everything - bottom end, midrange and top end. Perhaps a little more scooped?
Adventures with EMG Pickups - TalkBass.com
2016年6月13日 · Great pickup. IMO this should be EMG's flagship active P pickup. As I mentioned earlier, EMG Alnico pickups imo sound much better than their ceramic counterparts. The alnico pickups produce more mid-frequency tonal content and the high frequency is smoother, less brittle than the original P pickup.
EMG GZR P Bass Pickups - My Amateur Review - TalkBass.com
2019年3月4日 · For your consideration today is a sort of review of the EMG GZR P Bass Pickup - reportedly the only pickup Geezer Butler ever felt comfortable putting his name on. I won't bore y'all with tech specs - those are (mostly) available elsewhere. Also, if you don't feel like reading the full review, scroll to the bottom for a TLDR.
EMG Pickup comparison - TalkBass.com
2003年12月27日 · Remember - this is an EMG test. So this comparison, keeping in mind the mahogany body of the TB is giving the mids an emphasis rather than more neutral alder, would be essentially be the same among the models whatever the pickup package.
EMG Select. - TalkBass.com
2005年5月23日 · Hi, Im new 2 the forum, this is my 1st post. I have a Squire Precision Bass, its sounds crap but surprisingly isnt that bad. It has a bridge pickup (Jazz Bass Style) along with the standard split pickup. I recently brought an EMG Select split …
Preamp: EMG vs. Aguilar - TalkBass.com
2008年11月26日 · EMG - Sounds really good and it's a good match for EMG pups and Spectors. Aguilar - Sounds really good and the bass control sounds fatter than the EMG pre. U-Retro - Sounds good but i think it's better for J style instruments. Demeter - I've never heard them. If i were you i would buy the Aguilar, but i'm not you
EMG PJ active pickups? - TalkBass.com
2010年3月24日 · I brought the bass back from the dead, and wound up donating it to a local church, for their music program. One of the things I did while restoring the bass was to remove the EMG's, and install a set of factory Ibanez active pickups & electronics. Having sort of "reverse-engineered" the bass, all I can say is: What a difference!
EMG-HZ ..Opinions? - TalkBass.com
2000年5月17日 · All EMG HZ's are Passive. The HZ stands for high impedance; an active bass would have a low impedance. Some HZ loaded basses have an active circuit separate from the P/up, unlike active EMG's which all have a circuit board inside the pickup. <p> I played a bass with Humbucker HZ's and thought it sounded dark, not nasaly as Eli described.
EMG HZ vs EMG SSD - TalkBass.com
2004年1月2日 · Although I've played electric guitar for 40 years, I've occasionally "fiddled" around with electric bass. I finally bought one, a Spector, with EMG-SSDs (and a Crate bass practice amp). I also have a Schecter Omen-6 and it has EMG-HZs. I have to say that for an inexpensive starter bass, the SSDs sound good to me.