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1911 EMP® Champion™ Concealed Carry Contour 9mm Handgun …
The 1911 EMP® Champion™ Concealed Carry Contour 9mm Stainless pistol is the pinnacle among concealed carry pistols. The gun comes with three 9-round magazines and a flat wire recoil spring over a full-length guide rod.
Review: EMP Concealed Carry Contour 9mm - The Armory Life
2021年7月2日 · While a 1911 design, the Springfield Armory EMP Concealed Carry Contour pistol has some really unique features that sets it apart from its siblings. A full-sized 1911 chambered in 9mm can be heavy to tote around.
[Review] Springfield 1911 EMP 9mm: When Nothing Else Will Do
2019年8月6日 · The Springfield EMP in 9mm is a reliable and beautiful 3″ 1911 but may be eclipsed by other CCW options for it’s capacity, weight, and high price. However the weight and caliber make it soft-shooting and fun at the range.
Review: Springfield EMP4 CCC - Handguns
2017年8月15日 · The new EMP 4 Lightweight Champion with Concealed Carry Contour (which is a mouthful, so we'll abbreviate as EMP 4 CCC for the rest of the article) takes that package and goes a step further. This new EMP features a four-inch stainless steel bull barrel with a fully supported ramp.
EMP 1911 For Sale - Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore
Springfield 1911 EMP 4.0 9mm Concealed Carry Contour Pistol with Tactical Gray Finish
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Springfield Armory Pistols - EMP for sale - Guns International
A Springfield Armory EMP (Enhanced Micro Pistol) is a compact, semi-automatic pistol based on the classic 1911 design, specifically reengineered to be smaller and lighter, chambered in 9mm or .40 S&am ...Click for more info
Springfield Armory EMP Lightweight Champion CC 9mm 1911
Springfield's EMP Lightweight Champion Concealed Carry Contour model features a four-inch, stainless steel, Match-Grade bull barrel with a fully supported feed ramp. The barrel is housed in a forged stainless steel slide with an exquisite satin finish. Its slide assembly is complemented by a black hard coat anodized forged aluminum alloy frame.
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