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如何制作简易电磁脉冲装置(EMP)? - 知乎
EMP通常是核武器的副产物,能对电子产品造成不可逆损害,但是成本高也不好控制。 又小又高效的纯粹的武器级EMP你搞不出来。 做一个玩具可以看看这个链接 http:// m.wikihow.com/Build-an-EMP-Generator?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0
Integrated circuit model development for EMP - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: The response of Integrated Circuits (IC) to pulsed snd gated sine-wave stimuli can be used to develop reasonably accurate device models for EMP assessment. These IC models can then be used in conjunction with circuit and transfer function models to determine the failure threshold (upset and burnout) to postulated EMP distrubance.
Home - Epic Games
We develop cutting-edge games and cross-platform game engine technology!
An Evaluation of IC EMP Failure Statistics - IEEE Xplore
This paper presents the results of an integrated circuit test program to determine the statistics associated with open circuit IC failure voltages. Histograms of open circuit voltage for seven IC types are presented.
emst/emp ic(ldo、dc/dc、音频功放ic、电池充电ic、led白光驱动ic) ESMT_EMP产品选型表(2011)下载(PDF): 微桥代理 ESMT/EMP-晶豪/晶镁电源IC,主要产品如下:
【emp】emp品牌芯片大全 - 电子发烧友网
Nexperia是大批量生产基本半导体的领先专家,这些半导体是世界上每个电子设计都需要的组件。该公司广泛的产品组合包括二极管、双极晶体管、ESD 保护器件、MOSFET、GaN FET 以及模拟和逻辑IC。
EMST/EMP IC (LDO、DC/DC、音频功放IC、电池充电IC、LED白光驱动IC) 企业名: 深圳市微桥科技有限公司. 类型:经销商. 电话: 755-83991588. 联系人:钟智. 地址:广东深圳振华路56号兰光大厦16楼1603室. 提示:您在维库电子市场网上采购商品属于商业贸易行为。 以上所展示的信息由卖家自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布卖家负责,请意识到互联网交易中的风险是客观存在的。 请广大采购商认准带有维库电子市场网认证的供应商进行采购!
7601A EMP IC Chips - Censtry
7601A EMP are new and original and in stock for sale with 180 days warranty! view product specifications of Integrated Circuits (ICs) and datasheet pdf,
ESAB Rebel™ EMP 285ic - Welder Supply
Capable of welding up to 350A, this TRUE multi-process, multi-voltage industrial welding machine runs the full range of .035 in. (0.9 mm) and .045 in. (1.2 mm) wires. It’s the most portable, mobile welder in its class and has the power and performance to crush …
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