emr vs no emr | Student Doctor Network
2010年2月23日 · For those who have EMR vs. those with no EMR, could those comment on the Positives and Negatives? My school does not have a complete EMR--just labs/consults on computer, while we still have paper charts. A note written on one of patients was written so poorly, I asked if the writer could please...
What exactly are EMT, EMR, EMS, and so on? - Student Doctor …
2007年8月24日 · Primary Care Paramedic (PCP): 600-1000 hours, is the standard license most EMS employees have in the country. EMR is required before taking PCP, and PCP is probably similar to EMT-I in the US. Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP): 1000-2000 hours, is the ALS equivalent for pre-hospital care in Canada. EMR + PCP are required before starting ACP training.
EMR Recommendations | Student Doctor Network
2008年10月19日 · It’s the best EMR system I’ve used in an outpatient clinic setting, but podiatrists will generally **** on it because it isn’t free or $100 but then they’ll get a scribe and give 7% of collections to a billing company… Their biggest problem is they’ve gotten too big, too fast.
Nextech = worst EMR EVER! Do NOT waste your money
2017年4月2日 · On EMR you can use Smart phrases/dot phrases and dictations to finish notes more quickly as well as digital images in the note. but I've heard many doctors--and dermatologists in particular--enjoy paper charts, especially for billing/coding sheets.
Presacral myelolipoma vs extramedullary hematopoesis
2020年6月30日 · Hi Path forum! I biopsied a presacral mass last week and path came back as "myelolipoma vs EMH". Is it impossible to differentiate between the 2 on path? Thanks!
Personal EMR? | Student Doctor Network
2023年6月6日 · I just write a quick note on paper, date it and file it. There's nothing that says your medical record for your kids ear antibiotics has to be in an EMR. You just have to have some record documented, per the medical boards. Immediate family, Rx for very minor things, sure. Serious conditions or controlled substances - never.
Which EMR do you guys like better? Epic or Cerner?
2014年1月18日 · MEDITECH is like that where you can cancel an order, which is extremely important, even though facilities say not to do it. if there is an order that is wrong or d/c by the MD, a canceled order falls off the MAR and the nurse can't see it, but pharmacy can.
What EMR to use in solo private practice? - Student Doctor …
2021年2月15日 · Charm may have that but if you go with Charm, you should start setting up the EMR today. I don't think it's possible to overstate just how bad customer service is. Just upgrading to the paid plan from the free plan took me three weeks and repeated emails. Actual exchange I had with their customer service rep about setting up eprescribing:
MacBook Air vs. Pro for residency? | Student Doctor Network
2023年9月6日 · I’m noticing a lot of residents need to access the EMR on their laptops. Are there any differences between an Air vs. Pro when it comes to working on the EMR or looking at imaging? I had a 2019 MacBook Air during my SUBI and I was definitely having a lot of EMR issues, but the residents were telling me that’s because of the hospital wifi.
EPIC EMR question | Student Doctor Network
2015年7月1日 · For the more wordy stuff like colonoscopy results don’t try to dictate the report onto the page but summarize the impression in two words. When doing that make sure you specify that in your oral report that you read it, the gist is <insert two words>, and pull up the EMR report and read the quick impression briefly.