Construction and use approvals of notifiable gas installations (339) - EMSD
NGIs are gas installations which contain liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas or town gas, etc. as defined in the Gas Safety Ordinance, Cap.51 (see Appendix I).
Installation (NGI) under the Gas Safety Ordinance and application for an construction approval and approval of use of the NGI to the Gas Authority is required in accordance with regulations 3 to 6 of the Gas Safety (Gas Supply)
use an NGI should obtain approval from the Gas Authority, i.e. Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, prior to its construction (which also covers modification works)
有冇人email 收到EMSD 見習工程師 既 interview - LIHKG 討論區
2023年2月22日 · 小朋友 唔好咁天真啦 你黎唔到 少一個對手人地重開心,重有時間諗下解決方法好過啦,工程師就係負責解決問題
I&T Wish - Enhancement on the Digital Map of Notifiable Gas ...
To display the reference information of NGIs on the map such as the past LPG quality sampling records (for filling stations and terminals) and the last inspection date (for specified NGI facilities) Expected Outcome
EMSD O&M Best Practices
If the gas consumption rate in the catering premises is so high that the owner cannot reach an agreement with the LPG distributor to maintain reliable gas supply, the owner should consider applying for the construction and use of a cylinder storage (i.e., NGI) in the premises in order to increase the storage limit of LPG cylinders.
EMSD O&M Best Practices
2024年11月22日 · EMSD has released the 8 O&M Best Practices Booklets and Handbooks on Electrical Installations, Fire Service Installations, HVAC Installations, Lift and Escalator Installations, Gas Utilisation Facilities, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Solar Water Heating Systems, Fuel System of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicles in EMSD website and E&M Connect ...
機電工程署 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
機電工程署 (英語: Electrical and Mechanical Services Department,簡稱 EMSD 或 機電署)是 香港特別行政區政府 發展局 轄下的 部門,專為香港提供 機械 、 電機 及 氣體 工程裝備,在部分涉及機電裝置的意外及消費者案件上提供化驗及建議,部分亦需就氣體、電力、 升降機 及 自動梯 、 纜車 及 機動遊戲 等制定安全條例。 機電工程署設有兩個功能機構分別為規管服務及營運服務。 規管服務機構機構包括負責執行和實施多條法例和規例及管理和執行相關的計劃、協議和制度 …
2006年12月15日 · Guidelines to Class 2 competent person (CP) for LPG NGI Inspection To serve as general guidelines for practicing Class 2 CP, the following tasks are expected to be conducted by the CP during statutory annual LPG NGI inspections: -
[機電工程署] 成為 #見習工程師 之...我全都要! | LIHKG 討論區
2023年11月12日 · emsd的確係最易考牌,因為資源多關係多,但係入唔入到公務員位就真係要睇彩數,早幾年移民潮上面有位,親生仔就好易上位月入7萬5,但之後經濟唔好政府財赤,親生仔都無機會升,真係要唸下入唔入好
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