National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
Information about the certification examination test plan and domain information. Learn about Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs), Sample Packets and EMT/EMR Items. The most commonly asked questions about the examination requirements and other related information. Important dates for future presentations at key EMS meetings.
Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics - Florida Department of Health
The applicant will only need to present evidence of current NREMT certification to apply for certification in Florida. Effective July 1, 2016, an applicant that has been working in the military as an EMT or Paramedic and who holds a current NREMT certification is eligible to apply for a certification under the VALOR program.
Verify Credentials - National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
Verify EMS credentials by searching name, registry number, or EMS ID.
Name or Address Change and Duplicate Certification Requests
Request a copy of your certification- All of your information is correct, but you would like to have a new card mailed to the file we have on file for you. Also, you can request a copy of your instructor certification be emailed to you here.
Change information on your EMS certification card or request …
If you need to change the name on your EMT card, change your address, or request a duplicate card, follow these instructions. Upload documentation to verify your name change, such as a …
EMS Provider Certification - Washington State Department of Health
Successful completion of department approved emergency medical technician (EMT) course. Initial course completion certificate issued by the training program. An EMS agency licensed by the Department of Health (aid or ambulance service Proof of age; must be 18 years of age or older to be certified per WAC 246-976-141
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics - Mass.gov
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics are a vital part of the health care system. The Department of Public Health certifies EMS personnel at all levels who work for licensed ambulance services. First time? Start here. What would you like to …
Home - Cnyemt
New York State EMT Cards have now moved from a 3-year card to a 4-year card as of 7/1/2024 so anyone on or after 7/1/24 will now receive a 4-year card. a.) Beginning July 1, 2021, EMS agencies utilizing a paper-based PCR will be required to upload a copy of the paper-based record to the Department’s Paper PCR Portal. b.)
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Request for Duplicate License Certificate NAME
Attach a copy of the certification of completion (COC) from the Washington State approved EMT/SGA course you completed. The COC is needed to add the endorsement to the credential.