Occludin靶点介绍及实验小贴士| Abcam中文官网
细胞旁转运(Paracellular transport)是指分子在相邻上皮细胞之间运输,而紧密连接可调节细胞旁路渗透性并维持细胞极性。 Occludin当细胞缺乏紧密连接时,可以诱导粘附。 Occludin可以作为肝细胞中丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的共同受体。 Occludin在上皮细胞和内皮细胞的紧密连接处表达。 在肾脏中高度表达,在睾丸中未检测到。 Occludin含有多个异构体,不同异构体分子量范围变化较大(8kDa~59kDa)。 Occludin主要定位于细胞膜、细胞连接或紧密连接。 绿色:Occludin, …
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) signature is inversely ...
2018年2月13日 · Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is able to drive metastasis during progression of multiple cancer types, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Occludin Is Involved in Adhesion, Apoptosis, Differentiation …
2013年2月4日 · Downregulation of Ocln has been described to be involved in EMT. Especially in the context of TGFβ induced EMT recent studies in simple epithelial cells indicate high significance of Ocln as a key regulatory component mediating complex formation of PAR6 together with type I TGFβ receptors.
上皮间质转化(EMT)4种标志物介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
激活上皮间质转化(EMT)是癌细胞转移的关键过程,在此过程中,上皮细胞获得间充质细胞的特征,细胞运动性和迁移能力增强。EMT 的特征在于上皮细胞标志物(例如cytokeratins和 E-cadherin)缺失,间充质细胞标志物(例如 N-cadherin 、vimentin和纤连蛋白)的表达上调。
表观遗传学第四讲——EMT过程中的表观遗传修饰 - 知乎
上皮细胞-间充质转化(EMT)标志物—Antibody IHC/WB Panel
上皮细胞-间充质转化(emt),是指上皮细胞通过特定程序转化为具有间质表型细胞的生物学过程。 在胚胎发育、慢性炎症、组织重建、癌症转移和多种纤维化疾病中发挥了重要作用,其主要的特征有细胞黏附分子(如E-钙黏蛋…
Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and the Effect of …
2024年5月22日 · The induction of EMT in ARPE-19 cells increased the expression of mesenchymal markers ACTA2/α-SMA and fibronectin and reduced the expression of epithelial marker OCLN both at mRNA and protein levels. The mRNA levels of ZO-1 were lower after EMT, as well. Increased levels of α-SMA and FN were confirmed by immunofluorescence staining.
Constructing a doxycycline-inducible system for an epithelial-to ...
2024年12月9日 · By monitoring the changes in epithelial and mesenchymal markers at different induction time points, we examined the EMT process in both polyclonal and monoclonal MCF10A cells that express doxycycline (DOX)-inducible mTwist1.
Occludin protects secretory cells from ER stress by facilitating ... - PNAS
2020年2月12日 · Ocln mutant milk-producing cells exhibit defective protein secretion and augmented endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein response, ultimately leading to protein expression shutdown and lactation failure in mutant mice. Our results thus shed important light on the essential physiological functions of Ocln in the vertebrate epithelium.
Influence of Ocln on epidermal differentiation and EMT markers ...
Suppression of Ocln is a common feature of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in tumors derived from epithelial cells and is vital in metastasis in cancer [21].