EN 590 - Wikipedia
EN 590 is a standard published by the European Committee for Standardization that describes the physical and chemical properties that all automotive diesel fuel must meet if it is to be sold in the European Union and several other European countries.
EN 590 Diesel Fuel Specifications (ULSD) - Crown Oil
EN 590 is the current standard for diesel fuel sold in the European Union member states and other European countries. This grade of fuel is also called ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD). All road diesel (DERV) that is now sold in the UK meets the EN 590 standards and has a compulsory 7% by volume biodiesel component blended into it, usually EN ...
大宗商品贸易之EN590与零号柴油区别,中国石油/中国石化国/中 …
2023年4月20日 · en590是柴油,是一种轻质石油产品,是碳氢化合物的复杂混合物。 是柴油发动机的燃料。 柴油主要由原油蒸馏、催化裂化、热裂化、加氢裂化和石油焦化生产的柴油馏分制得,也可由页岩油加工和煤液化制得。 分类. 根据密度的不同,对石油及其加工产品,习惯上对沸点或沸点范围低的称为轻,相反成为重。 一般分为轻柴油和重柴油。 柴油分为轻柴油(沸点范围约180-370℃)和重柴油(沸点范围约350-410℃)两大类。 柴油使用性能中最重要的是着火性和 …
欧洲柴油 (EN590 10ppm) – 吉化石油天然气
柴油 EN590(超低硫柴油) 描述了所有汽车柴油燃料在欧盟和英国销售时必须符合的物理特性。 自2007年以来,这种柴油被称为“超低硫柴油”,因为硫的润滑功能被去除(需要添加添加剂来代替)。 汽车柴油有国家变种,但常见的交易变种是 EN560 和 EN590,它们由位于巴黎的 国际标准化组织 (ISO)规定。 超低硫柴油(ULSD)是一种硫含量显著降低的燃料。 自2006年以来,几乎所有在欧洲和北美销售的石油基柴油燃料都是ULSD类型。 降低硫含量使得可以应用先进的 …
Diesel EN590 - ASPO Energy Ltd.
EN590 describes the physical properties that all automotive diesel fuel must meet if it is to be sold in the European Union, Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The EN 590 had been introduced along with the European emission standards.
EN 590:2022 - Automotive fuels - Diesel - iTeh Standards
2022年3月15日 · EN 590:2022 - This document specifies requirements and test methods for marketed and delivered automotive diesel fuel. It is applicable to automotive diesel fuel for use in diesel engine vehicles designed to run on automotive diesel fuel containing up to 7,0 %(V/V) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME).
- 评论数: 44
BS EN 590:2022 EN 590:2022 (E) This document specifies requirements and test methods for marketed and delivered automotive diesel fuel. It is applicable to automotive diesel fuel for use in diesel engine vehicles designed to run on automotive diesel fuel containing up to 7,0 %(V /V) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME).
Diesel EN590 – Ducon Petroleum Private Limited
Diesel EN590 (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel) describes the physical properties that all automotive diesel fuel must meet if it is to be sold in the European Union and Britain. Since 2007 this is called “Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel” as the former function of sulphur as a lubricant is absent (and needs to be replaced by additives).
EN 590 - AcademiaLab
EN 590 es una norma publicada por el Comité Europeo de Normalización que describe las propiedades físicas y químicas que debe cumplir todo combustible diésel para automoción para su comercialización en la Unión Europea y en otros países europeos.
Diesel EN590 10PPM: Understanding Specifications » MetaBasar
EN590 10PPM diesel has a very low sulphur content, limited to a maximum of 10 parts per million, which is essential in many parts of the world. This is much less than traditional diesel fuels, which can have sulphur levels over 500 ppm. The low sulphur limit helps make EN590 10PPM a much more eco-friendly choice.
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