EN30B equivalent - Machines & Machining engineering | Eng-Tips
2006年8月24日 · Does anyone have a North American equivalent for EN30B alloy steel?
motorcycle rear axle - Metal and Metallurgy engineering
2004年4月14日 · What does the additional ~3%Ni do for en30b, seems that I remember that Ni is an austenite stabilizer and aids corrosion resistance, I didn't think that it aided hardening, in fact quite the opposite.
Heat Treatment for EN30B - Automotive Engineering other topics
2003年1月8日 · Hi We wan't to make some axles from EN30B, first question, is there any better steel to use, bare in mind we don't get 4130/4340/300M locally. Secondly if EN30B can be used, what are the proper heat treatment for EN30B. Thanks in advance!
Turning EN30 B - Machines & Machining engineering | Eng-Tips
2006年11月6日 · I am turning some EN30B on a swiss type lathe but am having no end of trouble with swarf tangling around the component and tools can any body help me please?
300M, EN30B AND VascoJet 1000 for crankshafts - Eng-Tips
2024年11月26日 · Can anyone give any information regarding the suitability of 300M, EN30B and VascoJet 1000 (any or all of these) for crankshaft applications. I undestand EN30B is used but is there anything better? (must be ferrous) Any help appreciated!
Looking for advice, high yield material with YS>180ksi
2018年9月19日 · Thank you for your advice. By the way, can EN30B or 4330 V+ heat treated be substituted for 4340 alloy steel? Our suppliers have those alloys in stock.
Time to Cracking in Spray Quenching of Steel - Eng-Tips
2000年12月18日 · I wish to calculate the time it takes for steel bars (2 types, 4140 steel and EN30B steel) to crack in a spray quenching tank. Because only the sides of the bar is sprayed, cracking occurs at its ends.
Time to Cracking in Spray Quenching of Steel - Eng-Tips
2001年8月1日 · I wish to calculate the time it takes for steel bars (2 types, 4140 steel and EN30B steel) to crack in a spray quenching tank. Because only the sides of the bar
How to resist vibration imprint in steel body - Eng-Tips
Are the grooves in the puck by design or result of machining? Can the grooves be eliminated or very much reduced? The pocket needs higher surface hardness and a stronger core to support the hard surface and resist deforming/yielding due the puck loading. Have had good experience with EN30B or 9328 case hardened.