Engineering News-Record | ENR
ENR.com is the bible of the construction industry, providing news and features about projects, products and people in construction, architecture and engineering.
Engineering News-Record Top Lists
ENR's list of the Top 200 Environmental Firms, published annually in the summer, provides a look at key players, based on prior year revenue, in the global environmental services market—in...
Construction Economics - Engineering News-Record
ENR publishes both a Construction Cost Index and Building Cost index that are widely used in the construction industry. This website contains an explanation of the indexes methodology and a...
2024年度ENR全球最大250家国际承包商榜单发布 - chinca.org
9月12日,2024年度美国《工程新闻纪录(ENR)》“全球最大250家国际承包商”榜单发布。 由中国对外承包工程商会统一组织参与申报的中国内地企业(以下简称“中国企业”)中,共有81家企业入围2024年度“全球最大250家国际承包商”。 中国企业上榜数量与2023年持平,继续蝉联各国榜首。 土耳其以42家上榜企业居第二位,美国位列第三位(38家),意大利位列第四位(13家),韩国位列第五位(11家)。 从各国上榜企业国际营业总额来看,中国上榜企业2024年国际营业 …
2024年12月10日 · 今日,美国《工程新闻记录》(enr)和中国《建筑时报》共同发布2024年度“中国承包商80强和工程设计企业60强”排名。 中国建筑股份有限公司等80家承包商、中国电力工程顾问集团有限公司等60家工程设计企业入围新一年度榜单。
Engineering News-Record - Wikipedia
The Engineering News-Record (widely known as ENR) is an American weekly magazine that provides news, analysis, data and opinion for the construction industry worldwide. It is widely regarded as one of the construction industry's most authoritative publications and is considered by many to be the "bible" of the industry.
Historical Indices - Engineering News-Record
The Materials Cost Index is the materials component of ENR’s building and construction cost indexes. It tracks the weighted price movement of structural steel, portland cement and 2 X 4 lumber ...
Engineering News-Record - LinkedIn
Engineering News-Record is the construction industry's essential and trusted independent source of news and analysis. ENR's worldwide audience includes contractors, project owners, engineers,...
ENR April 4/11, 2022: Indexes - BNP Media
2022年3月29日 · Readers can compute ENR’s indexes by multiplying the published prices and wages by the appropriate weights (shown in the tables below) and tallying the results. Does ENR forecast its indexes? Yes, once a year. ENR projects its BCI and CCI for the next 12 months in the Fourth Quarterly Cost Report in December.
Cost Data
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