ENT scope through the nose - HealthBoards Message Boards
2008年3月13日 · I will be going to my gastro doc in a couple of weeks. I am afraid he may send me to an ENT to get the scope through your nose. I have had the other scope 2 times and …
What can an ENT see when he uses the scope to view the vocal …
2008年4月19日 · My Cleveland Clinic ENT knew instantly by doing a regular scope I had vocal cord paralysis. He then scheduled me for a strobe scope and this allows for the video …
Under-developed/missing sinuses - Corrective Surgery
2011年4月18日 · A CT of my sinuses showed up some potential issues, so he referred me back to my ENT (this guy took my tonsils out last year when I was 27). The ENT did a rigid scope, and …
LPR - What Comes First? (Or Next?) - HealthBoards Message Boards
2009年11月22日 · Based on what I now know, I've had LPR symptoms for 5 years (chest pressure, choking at night, sore throats, loss of voice several times a year), but it was never …
can a ct scan of the neck show all head and neck cancers
2005年3月10日 · My friend who had throat cancer had his found by the ENT. He had sore throats and a lump in his throat. He lost weight and was very tired but his cancer was advanced. As …
Ear, Nose & Throat: SCARED!!! upcoming laryngoscopy... numbing
2012年9月21日 · Im getting a fiber optic scope up the nose into the throat on tuesday. Im very anxious about the numbing. I do not do well with numbing in my throat. I once went numb in …
severe ear pressure wont go away!! help !! h - HealthBoards …
2011年7月24日 · A good ENT will order an MRI and possibly a CT scan to rule this and other possibilities out, like perilymph fistula and superior canal dehiscence. I will be fighting this …
Is it normal to have Neck pain after an endoscopy?
2007年12月22日 · Is it normal to have Neck pain after an endoscopy? I had a endoscopy/colonoscopy yesterday, about 4 hours after the procedure, i felt like my neck was …
Intermittent raw/burning throat behind the uvula (nasopharynx) …
2010年8月11日 · My doctor then asked if i get heartburn which i do now and then so he tried me on Lansoprazole 30mg once a day but that also provided no relief. So i got referred to an ENT …
How Far Can A ENT See In The Ear? - HealthBoards Message Boards
2007年5月4日 · Re: How Far Can A ENT See In The Ear? The ENT can use an otoscope to check the canal wall for irritation, and the eardrum for problems, and can also see through the …