Any 7w8 ENTJs? : r/Enneagram - Reddit
The best way to describe someone that's 7w8 and ENTJ is to simply (I'm not trying to be funny, it is this simple) to read the descriptions of 7w8, then read the description of ENTJ, and that person is a 7w8 who has the cognitive functions of ENTJ (i.e. the E type's core motives/fears don't change with the congnitive patterns and correlated ...
ENTJ 7w8 : r/entj - Reddit
2021年4月9日 · I am curious to know if there are any ENTJs out there that identify with the enneagram 7w8? I know ENTJs stereotypically identify with enneagrams 3 and 8. Whereas, 7w8 is commonly associated to EXXP. So I’m curious to see if any of you do identify with 7w8 and if so, how would you say you differ from the conventional ENTJ? Thank you!
what would an ENTJ 7w8 look like? : r/mbti - Reddit
2022年2月10日 · This doesn’t work for the entj that well because think what the entj is or even Te dom. 7s are more likely se or ne. I would say the closest you’d get to that is a 6w7 or an 8w7 so a wing number to 7. Because 6w7. Entjs are lighter people and slightly easier going. The keyword here is slighttly I would say 6w7 is closer, but still a far cry.
How to manipulate ENTJ 7W8 / 8W7 ? | Personality Cafe
2019年8月30日 · The ENTJ knows what will happen because of Te and Ne. ENTJs are fond of the question or challenge, 'How's that working out for you?' They love to pick at the P, at the chaos. They make jokes at the expense of life and happiness all the time. Don't get me wrong my best friend is an ENTJ. I love them. But they are hard assholes often enough.
Trying to Figure out if I’m an ENTJ 8w7 or 7w8 : r/entj - Reddit
If you have looked into subtypes Im 100% positive I’m an ENTJ-Creative and that Correlates With the enneagram 7w8 more than 8w7 even though both are possible. And as we all know 8w7’s are more common among ENTJ’s than 7w8….so The Core Motivation for 8’s is Control, Power, & Self reliance. Which I relate to.
What enneagram type do you associate with each mbti type?
2013年10月10日 · most ENTPs are too cerebral to be 7w8 (I'd correlate 7w8 more with Se) and lack the cold, nonchalant energy of an Sp/Sx. I would suggest 6w7, 7w6 or 3w2 So/Sp ENFP
What MBTI type do you associate with each enneagram?
2010年3月23日 · 1w9 = istj, estj 1w2 = esfj, estj 2w1 = isfj 2w3 = enfj, esfp 3w2 = entj, enfj 3w4 = enfj 4w3 = infj, enfp 4w5 = infp, infj
What's your Sociotype : r/entj - Reddit
2021年7月3日 · ENTJ LSI does happen but it will only happen if you're either type 1, type 6 or type 8w9, anything other than that and it's a glaring mistype. Think Light Yagami LSI 7w8 and LSE 7w8 are not a thing so we can eliminate that from the equasion if it's legit, i would say you can look into ILE and LIE and see there.
ENTP 8w7 vs. ENTJ 7w8 : r/mbti - Reddit
2022年11月25日 · The comparison you need to make to see the difference is between both ENTP and ENTJ 7w8 and 8w7. I don't have enough time to elaborate but you can read about ENTP 7w8 vs ENTJ 7w8 and the same for 8w7 and you will see the differences.
ENTP vs ENTJ | Personality Cafe
2011年4月23日 · A dialog between an ESTJ, an ENTJ and an ENTP: *The ESTJ, the head of the department, is trying to get his team going in order to get a promotion, while the ENTJ and the ENTP both take a nice nap* [ESTJ]I can't believe you guys are asleep. This meat packaging business is going downhill: our boss wants us to sell 41,650 shipments and we only ...