CINEMA EOS摄影/摄像机-EOS C70-产品概要 - 佳能(中国)
EOS C70是佳能将CINEMA EOS数字电影机出色的高画质与专业视频功能和EOS R系统的小型化与高机动性有机融合而开发出的,在CINEMA EOS系列中首次搭载RF镜头卡口的CINEMA EOS创新机型,除了可以使用多款大口径RF镜头外,还可以使用广受好评的庞大全画幅EF镜头群。
CINEMA EOS摄影/摄像机-EOS C70-产品规格-基本规格 - 佳能(中 …
EOS C70是CINEMA EOS系列机型中首款搭载RF镜头卡口的CINEMA EOS电影摄影机,利用RF镜头卡口的大尺寸直径和短后对焦距离的优势,可大幅减缩机身厚度,使机身变得更加小巧。
Canon EOS C70: Cinema Camera | Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Enjoy stunning images with a 4K Super 35mm DGO Sensor and all the built-in features you could ask for, including ND Filters, mini XLRs, direct touch rotatable LCD screen, Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus, and excellent battery life. Making the EOS C70 even more powerful is compatibility with Canon's expanding line of high-performance RF Lenses.
佳能首台RF卡口摄影机 C70 深度测评 - 知乎
C70搭载的是与C300 Mark III相同的 Super 35双增益输出 (DGO)CMOS传感器,下方带有两个可自定义按键。 由此可见,佳能在R系统发布后正式进入了微单时代,专业摄影机也紧随潮流,开始借鉴微单元素纷纷落地。
【佳能EOS C70】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Canon EOS C70佳能数码 …
c70算是便携视频机里性能最强的了,动态范围和色彩都是独一档的存在,内录raw也极为方便。 同价位fx3,fx6完全没有办法和c70比,差距太大了
EOS C70 - 佳能相机博物馆 - Canon Global
4K Super 35mm CMOS图像感应器为DGO(双增益)感应器,在明暗差较大的场景下,也不易产生图像错位,可获得层次丰富的4:2:2(10bit)高画质4K影像。 基于高速处理的DIGIC DV 7影像处理平台,4K 120P高帧频短片可记录于UHS-II规格SD存储卡。 采用SD双卡槽,可通过同时记录实现拍摄时的备份,还可进行Proxy(代理)的同时记录,记录模式多种多样。 通过深度学习技术开发出的被摄体识别算法,令全像素双核CMOS AF实现了被摄体头部的识别,获得稳定的追踪 …
Canon EOS C70 Cinema Camera (RF Mount) - B&H Photo Video
Buy Canon EOS C70 Cinema Camera (RF Mount) featuring Super35 Dual Gain Output (DGO) Sensor, DCI 4K 60p, Hi-Speed UHD 4K 120p/2K 180p, Canon Log 2, 3, PQ & HLG HDR Recording, RF Lens Mount / EF with Optional Adapter, DIG!C DV7 Image Processor, XC Protocol, 16+ Stops of Total Dynamic Range, Built-In ND Filters / …
Canon EOS C70 Cinema Camera (Body Only), 4K Super 35mm …
Exceptional cinema capabilities in a compact package, along with a 4K Super 35mm DGO Sensor and built-in features, including ND Filters, mini XLRs, direct touch rotatable LCD screen, and Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus. The C70 is compatible with Canon's RF Lenses. Approved for use in Netflix productions. Smooth blacks and bold colors.
CINEMA EOS摄影/摄像机-EOS C70-产品功能-多种记录模式 - 佳 …
EOS C70是CINEMA EOS系列机型中首款搭载RF镜头卡口的CINEMA EOS电影摄影机,利用RF镜头卡口的大尺寸直径和短后对焦距离的优势,可大幅减缩机身厚度,使机身变得更加小巧。
Introducing the Canon EOS C70
Developed with an idea of combining the Cinema EOS series with the EOS R series, the new EOS C70 offers exceptional image quality and professional video features in a compact and mobile form factor, perfect for documentary, news gathering, and corporate videos.