Eop - College Essays - College Confidential Forums
2006年11月21日 · <p>Ok so im doing my college essays for the UCs, and i want to try and get into the EOP program. Do i write that in my open-ended esssay? or do i need to make an additional essay? And how much do I have to write about it???Or should i just mention it, and give reasons…and such And if my each of my essay is over 20 words of the word limit…so about 1060 total, are they going to disqualify me ...
Csu eop autobiographical statements - College Confidential Forums
2010年2月26日 · <p>So I’m filling out my CSU EOP AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENTS and I was wondering how long is most of the answers to the questions? Are we supposed to compose and essay for each question or do we just answer them?</p>
EOP Essay! Help Please! - College Confidential Forums
2005年11月27日 · <p>Hi everyone, </p> <p>On the application, it says that if you’re applying for EOP, then you should write about it in your personal statement. But that’s only a tip… so is it recommended to write about it in your open-ended statement, or is it better to talk about it in the Additional Comments box? The thing is, I already wrote a good essay for the open ended one, and I don’t want to ...
Discuss your reasons for applying to EOP - College Confidential …
2011年11月29日 · <p>For this section in the UC applications, I have a limit of 240 characters to explain why I want to be in EOP. This is what I thought up of (though it is over the limit) and I want to know if I’m on the right track. </p> <p>“I am a dependent student from a low-income family. The sheer price of University tuition and many other factors is highly overwhelming and without the EOP program, I ...
Applying to EOP - Essay - College Confidential Forums
2016年9月3日 · Hello, I would like to apply to EOP, but it says I have to write a small comment about my reasons for applying. I’m not quite sure what to write. I can write about low family income and my mom being a single mother, but the rest of my application already states that. Here is he prompt: If you apply to EOP, you will need to report your parents’ level of education, family size and income ...
I Need help On Writing A EOP Essay! - College Confidential Forums
2010年10月13日 · <p>Hey Im applying for the EOP programs in NY state, and im having a hard time organizing and structurin my essay! Is anyone willing to help me structure my ideas?</p>
Can I reuse the supplemental essay completely?
2024年10月17日 · If I have a good essay, say, about one of my EC’s that I see can be completely reused for another college, can I just copy-paste it or do I have to necessarily modify it? To what extent can be the essays to different colleges similar? To be specific, I have the essay about extracurricular to one of my reach and dream schools, so I spent enormous amount of time on it. And my safety school ...
Suny eop essays - College Confidential Forums
2009年1月20日 · <p>How should i start my EOP essay?</p> <p>Give me some pointers!!!! XD</p>
EOP/HEOP, and other Opportunity Programs - Applying to College ...
2008年4月28日 · <p>I see a lot of affirmative action threads being made, and subsequently being closed. So there is a lot of discussion on affirmative action based on race, but what about opportunity programs based on income?</p> <p>Specifically, the EOP/HEOP program in New York is an interesting program because it aims at students who meet low income requirements and are considered “inadmissible” through ...
What is the EOP program at SBU like? I'm nervous.
2013年3月11日 · <p>Hi, I got accepted to the EOP/AIM program at Stony Brook on march 1st and I’m really excited because Stony is my top choice, it’s not too far from home and has a great reputation. But the more I think about it the more I get nervous. I don’t want to be treated differently, or like I’m beneath the other kids. I know I’ll have to …