Occipital spur: understanding a normal yet symptomatic variant …
Occipital spurs, also called as occipital knob, occipital bun, chignon or inion hook, is an exaggerated external occipital protuberance (EOP). It is frequently discussed in anthropological literature as a Neanderthal trait but hardly reported and considered as …
An Anatomorphometric Study of Occipital Spurs and Their …
The occipital spur (OS) can be described as an abnormal elongation of the external occipital protuberance (EOP); its etiology is multifactorial and may involve biomechanical, immunological, and/or genetic factors.
Enlarged External Occipital Protuberance in young French ... - Nature
2020年4月16日 · External Occipital Protuberance (EOP) enlargement has been recently reported to increase in young adults, with a putative link with postural factors such as the use...
External occipital protuberance classification with special reference ...
2023年3月22日 · The bony extension or outgrowth of an external occipital protuberance (EOP), the occipital spur, is also named chignon, occipital knob, occipital bun, or inion hook .
Enlarged External Occipital Protuberance in young French …
External Occipital Protuberance (EOP) enlargement has been recently reported to increase in young adults, with a putative link with postural factors such as the use of smartphones. This study aims to analyze finely the changes in prevalence and size of EOP enlargement in millennials, throughout the smartphone era (2011 – 2019).
External Occipital Protuberance (EOP) is an anatomical structure located on the occipital bone's posterior surface, at the superior nuchal line level. It is the insertion site of the nuchal ligament and the trapezius muscle [6, 16].
Prominent external occipital protuberance | Radiology Case ...
External occipital protuberance is a midline bony prominence in the occipital bone that ligamentum nuchae and trapezius muscle attach to its tip. The tentorium cerebelli attaches to its internal surface. Exaggerated external occipital protuberance also is known as an occipital spur.
The length of the spur was 17.4 mm, measured at the base of EOP to the apex of the spur. The distance of the spur from the base of the skull was 6.5 mm (Figure 2). This incidental CBCT finding was confirmed to be an occipital spur (Type III …
Occipital spur | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
Occipital spur, an exaggerated external occipital protuberance (EOP), is considered a normal variant and is hardly reported in the medical literature 1. Broca et al. classified EOP into six anatomical types which was later simplified by Gülekon and Turgut into three subtypes: type I (smooth); type II (crest form) and type III (spine form) 1-3 .
Presentation and management of traumatic occipital spur …
Occipital spur is an abnormal bony outgrowth of the external occipital protuberance (EOP). We describe an interesting and previously unreported case of fracture of an occipital spur following trauma. Our 20-year-old male patient was treated in the emergency department (ED) and discharged home withou …