Gallium Nitride (GaN) ICs and Semiconductors – EPC
EPC was the first to introduce enhancement mode Gallium Nitride (eGaN) on Silicon transistors for applications such as, wireless power, autonomous vehicles, high-speed mobile communications, low cost satellites, medical devices and class-D audio amplifiers with device performance many times greater than the best silicon power MOSFETs.
Gallium Nitride (GaN) FETs and ICs | Product Selector Guide | EPC
EPC provides enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN ®) FET and IC technology for power management that are higher performance and lower cost compared with silicon. With products in the voltage range from 15 V to 350 V EPC offers the largest GaN product portfolio in the marketplace available for off-the-shelf delivery, including automotive ...
2025年3月13日 · Enhancement-Mode Gallium Nitride (eGaN®) Transistors and Integrated Circuits A GaN transistor is a wide bandgap device with superior conductivity compared to traditional silicon transistors resulting in smaller devices
【产品】EPC扩展100V eGaN FET系列,为48V DC-DC转换提供同 …
2020年12月,增强型硅基氮化镓(eGaN)功率场效应晶体管和集成电路的全球领先供应商宜普电源转换公司(EPC),推出了3mΩ/40V的EPC2055增强型氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN FET),以提高现有低压氮化镓晶体管的产品性能。
System Plus Consulting proposes a complete reverse costing of the EPC2112, the first monolithically integrated HEMT from Efficient Power Conversion (EPC). The device is an enhancement-mode gallium-nitride (eGaN®) single Field Effect Transistor (FET) with a Gate Driver Integrated Circuit (IC).
宜普电源:用氮化镓技术改变半导体世界_eGaN - 搜狐
2019年12月13日 · 宜普电源转换公司(中文简称:宜普电源,英文简称:EPC)设计的增强模式氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN FET)已经通过车规AEC Q101认证,其应用工程总监John Glaser将出席由麦姆斯咨询举办的 『第二十八届“微言大义”研讨会:激光雷达技术及应用』 ,在此之前我们 ...
宜普(EPC)CEO专访:氮化镓(GaN)在快充/无线充电和5G基站RF前 …
Alex Lidow是宜普公司(EPC)联合创始人兼CEO,曾任国际整流器(IR)公司CEO。 他是HEXFET功率MOSFET的共同发明者,拥有21项功率半导体技术专利。 Lidow曾获得2015年北美SEMI奖,以表彰他在新材料功率器件商业化方面做…
EPC Space’s family of enhancement mode gallium nitride FETs and ICs have been specifically designed for critical applications in the high reliability or commercial satellite space environments. These devices have exceptionally high electron mobility and a low temperature coefficient resulting in very low RDS(on) values.
第 5 代 eGaN FET - EPC | DigiKey
EPC 第 5 代的推出标志着向全新性能领域跨出了一大步。 该最新一代技术不仅将器件的尺寸减小至第 4 eGaN FET 的一半,而且将性能提升三倍。 如此之大的成本降低和性能提升创造了一种“良性循环”,正使得 eGaN FET 比 IC 以及逐渐过时的功率 MOSFET 拥有更大的性能和成本优势。 特性. 最新一代 eGaN FET 在 100 V 电压下的优势为硅晶器件的四倍,而在 200 V 电压这种优势达到了 8 倍,适用于在高频电源转换应用中提升开关性能。 例如,在 48 V 至 5 V 电路中以及 500 …
EPC Efficient Power Conversion Distributor | DigiKey Electronics
EPC Efficient Power Conversion designs, develops, markets, and sells Gallium Nitride based power management devices using mature silicon foundries.
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