7.5inch HD e-Paper HAT (B) - Waveshare Wiki
Take the 7.5inch HD e-Paper (B) connected to the e-paper Driver HAT as an example, just plug it directly into the Raspberry Pi: Then reboot your Raspberry Pi: To make sure SPI is not occupied, it is recommended to close other drivers' coverage. You can …
2.13inch Touch e-Paper HAT Manual - Waveshare Wiki
2.13inch Touch e-Paper HAT: 2.13inch Touch EPD HAT For Raspberry Pi, 250 × 122 Pixels, Black / White, SPI Interface
7.3inch e-Paper HAT (F) Manual - Waveshare Wiki
Under ambient light, the e-Paper screen still has high visibility with a wide viewing angle of almost 180 degrees. It is the ideal choice for e-reading. For computers, pictures are composed of pixels, and the space occupied by each pixel determines the possible state (color) of the pixel.
Inky pHAT (ePaper/eInk/EPD) - Pimoroni
A low-energy, high-falutin, electronic paper (ePaper / eInk / EPD) display for your Pi, in three different colour schemes: red/black/white, yellow/black/white, and black/white! Inky pHAT's beautiful, high contrast display is ideal for displaying simple graphics and crisply-rendered text and, because it's like paper, it's readable in bright ...
- 评论数: 129
adafruit/Adafruit_EPD: e-paper display driver for Arduino - GitHub
e-paper display driver for Arduino. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_EPD development by creating an account on GitHub.
l3dlp-sandbox/eInk-Glider-hardware: Open-source EPD monitor - GitHub
Open-source Eink monitor with an emphasis on low latency. Note: This repo only contains the hardware design, the gateware running on the FPGA is my open-source Caster EPDC design. This README also contains information about the Caster as well.
GitHub - robweber/omni-epd: An EPD (electronic paper display) …
There are several great EPD projects all over the internet, many in written in Python. The problem with a lot of these is that the code is often for one specific type of display, or perhaps a family of displays.
protect the EPD. Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to resist external force. (3) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification. (4) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the
IVL: LCT专栏丨第一期:深度解析EPD:环境产品声明的国际应用
EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)是依照ISO14025开展、经第三方认证的III型环境产品声明。基于LCA(Life Cycle Assessment )方法学,EPD旨在披露所评价的产品或服务“从摇篮到坟墓”整个生命周期内不同阶段的环境表现信息(environmental performance information)。 国 …
Environmental Product Declaration Certification - UL Solutions
The EPD provides information to buyers about a product’s impact on the environment, such as global warming potential, smog creation, ozone depletion and water pollution. An EPD is a summary of the lifecycle assessment (LCA) for a product from material