暴露极性表面积(EPSA)在药物早期筛选中的研究和应用 - 知乎
暴露极性表面积 (exposed polar surface area,EPSA),作为一种通过实验分析获得PSA的最新技术手段,因成功用于 渗透性环肽 的筛选而走进大众视野[2]。本文将具体介绍EPSA参与优化分子被动渗透性的研究与应用,以及基于 超临界流体色谱法 的检测EPSA的原理和方法 ...
Bacillus subtilis EpsA-O: A novel exopolysaccharide structure …
2024年10月2日 · Extracellular polysaccharides are crucial components for biofilm development. Although Bacillus subtilis is one of the most characterized Gram-positive biofilm model system, the structure-function...
EpsA-O is the main extracellular polysaccharide in B. subtilis and is synthesized by a cluster of 15 gene products of the epsA–O operon15,22 (Fig. 1).
Bioisostere Effects on the EPSA of Common Permeability-Limiting …
2022年5月23日 · Recognizing the value of bioisosteres in replacing permeation-limiting polar groups, we determined the effects of common amide, carboxylic acid, and phenol bioisosteres on EPSA, using matched molecular pairs within the Merck compound collection.
暴露极性表面积研究 - 药明康德DMPK
EPSA是利用SFC(supercritical fluid chromatography)技术将保留时间与分子极性的暴露相关联,识别化合物形成IMHBs(intramolecular hydrogen bonds)潜力,是描述分子极性的一种实验工具。流动相使用scCO2(supercritical CO2)和醇类改性剂利于IMHBs形成,避免IMHBs被破坏。
药物进入大脑:通过计算机计算并通过超临界流体色谱法在体外测 …
Nat. Rev. Chem. | 药物发现中的分子变色龙 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
EpsA is an essential gene in exopolysaccharide production in
In this study we showed the crucial role of epsA in EPS biosynthesis by demonstrating that deletion of epsA resulted in complete loss of both EPS‐1 and EPS‐2 on the cell surface. Plasmid complementation of the epsA gene fully restored EPS production, as confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis.
EPSA | Logística y Distribución (@epsared) - Instagram
Logística especializada para la salud. En EPSA Bio, cada entrega va más allá de un envío. Aseguramos que los materiales biológicos lleguen a tiempo y bajo estrictos protocolos de seguridad 🕒 🚚 Flota propia certificada por ANMAT, adaptada para preservar la …
<br>枯草芽孢杆菌 EpsA-O:一种新型的胞外多糖结构,在生物膜 …
通过结合化学分析、NMR 波谱、流变学和分子建模,获得了从原子到超分子尺度的 EpsA-O 结构的高分辨率数据。 重复单元由三糖骨架 [→3)-β-d-Qui pNAc4NAc-(1→3)-β-d-Gal pNAc-(1→3)-α-d-GlcpNAc-(1]n)和侧链 β-d-Gal p(3,4-S-Pyr)-(1→6)-β-d …
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