EPU is a Thermo Fisher Scientific software product for automated high quality data acquisition in a Single Particle Analysis (SPA) workflow. SPA is an approach to 3D image creation, during which a large number of vitrified, low-contrast complexes are imaged under low …
Cryo EM Software | Smart EPU Software | Cryo EM Acquisition …
Thermo Scientific Smart EPU Software is an innovative, easy-to-use data acquisition solution for single particle analysis (SPA) that focuses on automation and user guidance to increase throughput and deliver reproducible results.
Click Preview and watch EPU perform a few auto functions and collect the images as defined in the template. If something is amiss, you’ll have an opportunity to make adjustments before launching the automated run.
在Reference Image Manager 点Measure dose ,确认剂量4-10e/px/s 绿色内,Exposure time可以选择收数据的曝光时间或者默认的10都可以; 去背底结束后再次检查背底是否良好,如果良好则可将背底拷贝到offload文件夹中当日日期下,数据开始收集以后也拷贝一份到自己收数据的文件夹;
Collecting data on cryo-EM grids on a Falcon 4 detector with EPU software (ThermoFisher Scientific) 2.1. EPU is an automated data collection software from ThermoFisher Scientific (TFS). 2.2. TEMUI is the user interface of the microscope. 2.3. TEM Image Analysis (TIA) must be running to ensure EPU is communicating with TEMUI. 2.4.
Data Collection with EPU Standard Operating Procedure (K3) version 1.1 Auth Purpose K3 Definitions: utom ted data collection software from ThermoFishe Sci 2.2. TEMUI is the user interface of the microscope lysi (TIA) must be running to 2.4. Imaging Presets in EPU: 2.4.1 Atlas Create a grid map with stitching image tiles at low dose
Collection, pre-processing and on-the-fly analysis of data for high ...
2018年11月28日 · This protocol describes a pipeline for data collection, pre-processing and on-the-fly analysis for single-particle cryo-electron microscopy using EPU software and two direct electron detectors ...
What’s new on Smart EPU update: Image Shift Calibration
2023年9月20日 · This tutorial demonstrates the latest features of Smart EPU Software for SPA included: TIFF LZW output for Falcon-4i cameras, guided Image Shift Calibration,...
2018年7月11日 · Main steps for quick reference: Make sure microscope is properly aligned and energy filter is tuned Open EPU, center all beams, double check settings Do image shift calibration Set up an Atlas Set up EPU session
EPU-CM-Blog-Discovery-Viewer_1024x725 - Life in Atomic …
Figure 2. Discovery Viewer, a navigation tool specific for cryo-EM, is an add-on that helps to precisely determine where specific images were captured on a sample during the single particle workflow.