EQ-5D - Wikipedia
EQ-5D is a standardised measure of health-related quality of life developed by the EuroQol Group to provide a simple, generic questionnaire for use in clinical and economic appraisal and population health surveys.
EQ-5D-5L - EuroQol
The 5-level EQ-5D version (EQ-5D-5L) was introduced by the EuroQol Group in 2009 to improve the instrument’s sensitivity and to reduce ceiling effects, as compared to the EQ-5D-3L. The EQ-5D-5L essentially consists of 2 pages: the EQ-5D descriptive system and the EQ visual analogue scale (EQ VAS).
This guide provides users with basic information on how to use the EQ-5D questionnaire. Topics include administering the instrument, deriving the summary index, value sets, setting up a database for data collected using EQ-5D, presentation of EQ-5D results, modes of administration and translations. The guide should be used in conjunction with
An Introduction to EQ-5D Instruments and Their Applications
2020年7月21日 · The two parts of the EQ-5D questionnaire, combined with the value sets, means that the instrument generates three distinct types of data: the EQ-5D profile; the EQ VAS; and the EQ-5D values. Each of these elements measures a …
2025年3月3日 · EQ-5D was developed by researchers of the EuroQol Group Association. The EuroQol Research Foundation is a Dutch non-profit organisation (ANBI) tasked with making EQ-5D and other EuroQol instruments available to users all over the world.
The EQ-5D Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire
The EuroQOL five dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D) is one of the most commonly used generic questionnaires to measure health-related quality of life (HRQOL).
[EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D): an instrument for measuring quality of life]
The EQ-5D descriptive system is a preference-based HRQL measure with one question for each of the five dimensions that include mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression.
EQ-5D - Physiopedia
The EQ-5D is a well-known and widely used health status instrument. It was developed by the EuroQol Group in the 1980s to provide a concise, generic instrument that could be used to measure, compare and value health status across disease areas.
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EQ-5D©™ (Health-Related Quality of Life Measure)
2022年12月30日 · The EuroQol 5 Dimension (EQ-5D) is a self-report survey that measures quality of life across 5 domains: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. © EuroQol Research Foundation.