ER-Force | Robotics Erlangen
Instead of vague error messages, it now provides exact information like position, speed, and even ball control in real-time. The data rate from HBC has already been increased, and the first parts of the protocol have been implemented – although not …
Software framework of the SSL-Team ER-Force - GitHub
This is the framework of the SSL-Team ER-Force. Its main features are: Simulating SSL games with a varying number of robots on different possible field sizes Control robots, either …
Robotics Erlangen e.V. · GitHub
Robocup Small Size League Team ER-Force. Robotics Erlangen e.V. has 9 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
sfunderbots/ER-Force-Simulator - GitHub
This is the framework of the SSL-Team ER-Force. Its main features are: Simulating SSL games with a varying number of robots on different possible field sizes Control robots, either autonomously using a Typescript/Lua AI script or manually Create recordings of …
This paper presents proceedings of ER-Force, the RoboCup Small Size League team from Erlangen located at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. It explains both the mechanical and electronical improvements to the shooting mechanism. Moreover, it shows advances in our tracking software. Fig. 1: ER-Force robot design from 2023
This paper presents proceedings of ER-Force, the RoboCup Small Size League team from Erlangen located at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany. We present an innovative, robot-based method of ball detection that uses infrared light re ected from the ball.
This paper presents proceedings of ER-Force, the RoboCup Small Size League team from Erlangen located at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. The year …
ER-Force | Robotics Erlangen
2025年3月16日 · Die plötzlich: Vision Probleme? Ausgerechnet in der letzten Minute. Es geht weiter. Einwurf Immortals. Die Spannung steigt, schaffen Immortals es vielleicht doch noch ein Tor zu schießen? Nein, das wars. Der finale Spielstand ist 1:0 für ER-Force. Damit spielt ER-Force morgen um den Sieg gegen TIGERs um Finale. Gutes Spiel.
This paper presents proceedings of ER-Force, the RoboCup Small Size League team from Erlangen located at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
This paper presents proceedings of ER-Force, the RoboCup Small Size League team from Erlangen located at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
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