Replacement for ORD700/ORD500 - midrange.com BPCS-L
2003年3月17日 · The product provides key ERP functionality through the web including: pricing, inventory availability, credit checking, order status, customer
ORD flow Documentation Re: ORD700 Posting -- BPCS-L
2008年6月3日 · Kicking off ORD700 means having to set up the LDA and program parameters, which was a bit trial and error in the first place, but
RE: ORD700 -- BPCS-L - archive.midrange.com
2002年12月25日 · Subject: ORD700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Dear Guys, we are on As/400, BPCS V6.1.01, and I have two issues: 1. What is the meaning on ECL.CLLPSC and ECL.CLNPSC, I found '12' on CLLPSC and ' 06' or '05' on CLNPSC. 2. when excuting order entry (ORD700), if you reprice on item ...
ORD700 – Tax-Exempt Order Recalculation - pfy.carpenters.org
For calculation purposes, you need to run ORD700 after you run ORD650, but before you run MBR655 and/or SUB655, as well as INV620, ADV620, and ORD660. The frequency of when you should run it is dependent on your number of tax-exempt customers.
ORDAT.ERP is a standard software that can be tailored to the specific requirements of your current or future business environment with minimal effort. Instead of a rigid, complete solution you’ll have an upgradeable ERP system that can be configured as needed and perfectly tailored to your requirements.
作为国际最先进的企业管理模式,ERP把企业物流、资金流、人流、信息流等进行统一管理,以最大的限度利用企业内外资源,实现经济效益最大化。 ERP系统特点 1.
2020年5月18日 · 电子元器件制造ERP系统,实时监控和管理从产品、订单、设计、供应商、仓库、生产到交付整个流程,帮助企业实时响应和服务客户,从激烈竞争中脱颖而出。 那么,电子元器件制造ERP系统品牌排行如何?电子元器件制造ERP系统十大品牌,你了解吗? 1、SAP. SAP创建于德国,1972 年五位特立独行的IBM员工辞去稳定的工作,开始追求他们的梦想:打造标准化的软件系统,SAP公司和产品由此诞生,总部位于德国沃尔多夫,不仅构建SAP HANA内存计算数 …
Re: ord700 and EDI -- BPCS-L - archive.midrange.com
ord700 and EDI, Joe Maldonado <Possible follow-ups> Re: ord700 and EDI, luczak Re: ord700 and EDI, jdyer Re: ord700 and EDI, Joe Maldonado Re: ord700 and EDI, jdyer Replies: Re: ord700 and EDI , jdyer Prev by Author: partially complete shop orders Next by Author: ord700 and EDI Previous by thread: Re: ord700 and EDI Next by thread: Re: ord700 and EDI Index (es): Author Thread Date Return to ...
Navy ERP - Logtool
Welcome to the NAVSUP and Navy ERP website! This is your site for all information on Navy ERP @ NAVSUP!
ERP的全称是Enterprise Resources Planning,即企业资源计划,由国际咨询公司Gartner于1990年提出。 是帮助企业全面管理业务运营的软件系统,是针对物资资源管理 (物流) 、人力资源管理 (人流)、财务资源管理 (财流)、信息资源管理 (信息流)集成一体化的企业管理软件。 ERP系统运用信息技术,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。 将企业的 财务 、 人力 、 采购 、 生产 、 销售 、 库存和其它业务功能整合到一个信息管理平台上, …