ESCP Business School | Top-ranked European Business School
Empower Your Career and leverage your international management career with the ESCP Executive MBA (EMBA), ranked #7 worldwide by the Financial Times (2020). This real-time transformational programme is the stepping stone you need to bridge the gap between your untapped potential and the world-class leader in you.
Bachelor in Management (BSc) - ESCP - ESCP Business School
Explore ESCP's Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme. Elevate your education and career with our BSc curriculum. Discover admissions info today.
Master in Management - ESCP Business School
In choosing the ESCP Master in Management, you expand your horizons, and benefit from one of the best business Master’s degrees in the world. Throughout the two-to-three year programme, you have the opportunity to study abroad, get hands-on experience, and gain all the skills required to launch a fulfilling international career.
ESCP Business School - Wikipedia
ESCP Business School (French: École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris; English: Paris 1st School of Business) is a French business school and grande école founded in Paris and based across Europe with campuses in Paris, Berlin, London, Madrid, Turin, and Warsaw. Established in 1819, it is considered the world's oldest business school. [4]
ESCP-Europe - 百度百科
欧洲高等商学院(ESCP Business School)建于1819年,是世界上第一所商学院,世界顶尖的商学院之一,学校立足于欧洲,旨在培养具有 跨文化 背景的未来 商界领袖。 [1] ESCP与HEC和 ESSEC 并称巴黎三大商学院(Trois Parisiennes),是全球少于1%受到三大商学院认证机构(EQUIS 、 AACSB 、 AMBA)认证的商学院之一 [2]。 学校于2009年4月更名,原名ESCP- EAP European School of Management。 ESCP在欧洲拥有六个校区,分别位于法国 巴黎,英国 伦 …
管理学学士 (BSc) - ESCP
学位全球认可:escp一直位居《金融时报》评选的欧洲顶尖商学院之列; 全球校友网络汇集了全球 200 多个国家的 85,000 位活跃校友; 经验丰富专业的就业服务团队帮助学生了解和完善职业志向; 每年为escp学生和校友提供 20,000 份工作和 30,000 个实习岗位
ESCP Business School - Paris - Top Universities
ESCP Business School - Paris is one of the top private universities in Paris, France. It is ranked #21-50 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject 2024. Learn more about studying at ESCP Business School - Paris including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of …
主页 - ESCP : ESCP
管理学学士 (BSc) 三年的学习生涯中,您可以在三个不同的国家生活和学习,亲身体验独一无二的跨文化管理项目。 三年三国的独特机会,让您在兼顾学业的同时,通过使用多语言在不同的国家生活学习,从而获得绝无仅有的求学体验。 三年学习生涯中,学生可在三个不同国家生活和学习,把握难得良机,亲自体验跨文化管理。 学生既不耽误学业,又可在使用不同语言的三个国家生活和学习,独特体验,绝无仅有。 硕士预科 - 管理学硕士 硕士预科课程旨在让学生熟悉管理学的基 …
With six campuses in Berlin, Madrid, London, Paris, Turin, and Warsaw, ESCP is also the only pan-European business school. And it is with this European mindset, rooted in our commitment to excellence and humanism, that ESCP strives to build a more sustainable world.
Programmes & Training - ESCP Business School
The Agile Skills for Business certificate is a comprehensive, 100% online program designed for managers, aspiring leaders, and professionals in consta... This online certificate is designed to equip professionals with the tools and insights necessary to excel in today’s financial landscape....