ESD for 2030 Global Network - UNESCO
UNESCO’s ESD for 2030 programme, launched in 2020, produces and shares knowledge, offers policy guidance and technical support to countries, and implements projects on the ground. In 2021, countries committed to take urgent action to implement ESD through theBerlin Declaration on Education to Sustainable Development (May 2021).
Education for sustainable development: a roadmap - UNESCO
ESD for 2030 will step up actions on five priority action areas on policy, education environments, building capacities of educators, youth and local level action, stressing further ESD’s key role for the successful achievement of the 17 SDGs and the great individual and societal transformation required to address the urgent sustainability ...
ESD for 2030: What’s next for Education for Sustainable ... - UNESCO
2020年7月20日 · UNESCO will shortly publish A Roadmap for ESD for 2030 which will be discussed at regional online launch events to take place during the second half of 2020, to engage Member States and other stakeholders and invite country commitments on ESD.
Education for sustainable development for 2030 toolbox
The ESD for 2030 roadmap sets out the urgent challenges facing the planet and underlines the implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030) framework, which aims to increase education’s role in building a more just and sustainable world.
可持续发展教育: 路线图 - UNESCO
在联合国可持续发展教育十年(2005-2014年)和 《全球可持续发展教育行动计划》(2015-2019年)的基 础上,一个新的框架,即“2030年可持续发展教育”, 在教科文组织执行局第二零六届会议和教科文组织第四 十届大会上获得通过,并在第七十四届联合国大会上获 得认可。 《全球行动计划》(GAP)旨在调整教育和学习方 向并加强教育和学习,以推动所有促进可持续发展的活 动,而“2030年可持续发展教育”正是以此为基础建立 的。 它更加注重教育在实现可持续发展 …
Report on the implementation of Education for Sustainable
The official launch of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for 2030 framework took place in the 2021 UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Berlin, Germany, organized online by UNESCO in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany and the German Commission for UNESCO as advi...
ESD for 2030 - BNE-Portal Kampagne
The ESD for 2030 roadmap sets out the urgent challenges facing the planet and underlines the implementation of the "Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030)" framework, which aims to increase the contribution of education to building a more just and sustainable world. It outlines actions in five priority ...
Education for sustainable development | UNESCO
UNESCO’s ESD for 2030 programme produces and shares knowledge, offers policy guidance and technical support to countries, and implements projects on the ground. It fosters peer learning and innovation through information, networks and partnerships.
Education for sustainable development for 2030 toolbox
The ESD for 2030 roadmap outlines actions in five priority action areas on policy, learning environments, building capacities of educators, youth and local level action, stressing further ESD’s key role for the successful achievement of the 17 SDGs and the great individual and societal transformation required to address the urgent ...
持続可能な開発のための教育(ESD:Education for Sustainable …
ESD for 2030は、ESDの強化とSDGsの17の全ての目標実現への貢献を通じて、より公正で持続可能な世界の構築を目指すものです。 ESD for 2030の採択を受けて、本枠組み下で取り組まれるべき具体的な行動を示すロードマップがユネスコにより公表されました。