ESD Testing Waveforms - HBM, CDM, MM - eesemi.com
The various models used for testing a device's ESD sensitivity (ESDS) level, i.e., HBM, CDM, and MM, apply standard waveforms to electrically stress the device under ESD testing. These waveforms are usually defined by their peak current level, rise and fall times, and duration.
集成电路基础:ESD杂谈 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Wikipedia里面是这样定义的:Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by contact。 翻译过来呢,就是指两个储存有电荷的物体相互接触时候产生的瞬时电流。 最近作者君做的项目呢,对于ESD的要求比较严格,就经常和一个ESD部门的哥们讨论学习一下。 他告诉我说,ESD可以在任何地方发生,无论是制造,生产,装配,测试,甚至运输及现场应用。 当时我就有一种想放弃治疗的想法。 那么,问题来 …
Contact discharge involves discharging an ESD pulse directly from the ESD test gun that is touching the device under test. This is the preferred method of testing. However, the standard provides for an alternate test methodology known as air discharge for cases where contact discharge testing is not possible.
The current and voltage surge of an ESD pulse can cause malfunctions that can be classified into three general categories: • Temporary errors that are automatically corrected by the EUT or its operating software. • Temporary errors that require some intervention by the operator to recover to normal operation.
pulse is a short 100ns pulse with a 10ns rise time that closely represents the second peak of the IEC61000-4-2 ESD pulse as shown in Figure 3. When the 30ns clamping voltage is plotted together with the current level at 30ns, these pulses make an IV curve that can show the clamping voltage of an ESD diode during an increasing ESD strike. Figure 3.
静电放电(ESD)知识小记 - CSDN博客
2018年10月29日 · 在 ESD 过程中会产生上升时间极快、持续时间极短的初始大电流脉冲,并产生强烈的电磁辐射形成静电放电电磁脉冲(ESD Electromagnetic Pulse-ESD EMP),它的电磁能量往往会引起电子系统中敏感部件的损坏、翻转,使某些装置中的易爆品误爆,造成事故。
Top and Base form the 100% and 0% reference levels which are used for measurements such as amplitude, risetime, falltime, period, frequency, width, duty cycle, overshoot, and virtually every timing measurement. Top and Base must first be calculated correctly in order for timing and amplitude measurements to produce the correct measurement result.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) are usually known as a sensation of electronic shock when walking across a carpet or opening a car door. The ESD definition given by https://www.esda.org is “the rapid, spontaneous transfer of electrostatic charge induced
常用的ESD保护器件 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
There are two types of testing methods involved with the IEC ESD: contact discharge and air discharge. The contact ESD test discharges an ESD pulse from an IEC ESD gun directly onto the device under test (DUT).