Emergency Support Function (ESF) #5 — Information and Planning collects, analyzes, processes, and disseminates information about a potential or actual incident, and conducts deliberate and crisis action planning activities to facilitate the overall activities in providing assistance to the whole community.
Appendix F. Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) - FEMA.gov
2020年7月31日 · ESF #5 – Information and Planning Annex Collects, analyzes, processes, and disseminates information about a potential or actual incident, and conducts deliberate and crisis action planning activities to facilitate the overall activities in …
ESF #5 serves as the support ESF for all Federal departments and agencies across the spectrum of domestic incident management from prevention to response and recovery. ESF #5 facilitates information flow in the pre-incident prevention phase in order to place assets on alert or pre-position for quick response.
This section provides an overview of the Emergency Support Function (ESF) structure, common elements of each of the ESFs, and the basic content contained in each of the ESF Annexes.
Emergency Support Functions - FEMA
The Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) provide the structure for coordinating federal interagency support for a federal response to an incident. Each ESF Annex identifies the coordinator and the primary and support agencies pertinent to the ESF.
The purpose of the Emergency Support Function 5 (ESF-5) Business and Industry Annex is to ensure collaboration between public- and private- sector partners to improve community resilience and effective use of resources during emergencies.
Emergency Support Function (ESF) 5—also referred to as the Planning Section— compiles, analyzes and coordinates overall information and planning activities in the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) in support of emergency operations.
Emergency Support Functions - FEMA
ESF #2: Communications. ESF Coordinator: DHS/National Communications System. Coordinates the reestablishment of the critical communications infrastructure, facilitates the stabilization of systems and applications from cyber attacks, and coordinates communications support to response efforts.
The purpose of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #5: Emergency Management is to collect, analyze, and share information about a potential or actual emergency or disaster to enhance the response and recovery activities of the local governments.
The primary functions of ESF #5 are to: support and facilitate multiagency planning and coordination for operations involving incidents requiring state agency coordination; assist leadership with determining the immediate human needs of disaster victims and the extent of infrastructure damage (telecommunications, roads, hospitals, water systems,...