Cover Component - ESPHome
Cover Component¶ The cover component is a generic representation of covers in ESPHome. A cover can (currently) either be closed or open and supports three types of commands: open, close and stop. Base Cover Configuration¶ All cover config schemas inherit from this schema - you can set these keys for covers.
Template Cover - ESPHome
The template cover platform allows you to create simple covers out of just a few actions and a value lambda. Once defined, it will automatically appear in Home Assistant as a cover and can be controlled through the frontend.
Time Based Cover - ESPHome
Time Based Cover¶ The time_based cover platform allows you to create covers with position control that do not have any position feedback. The state of the cover is thus always an assumed one, the current position is approximated with the time the cover has been moving in a direction.
| Ford Protect Extended Service Plans - Ford Motor Company
Ford Protect Extended Service Plan provides a toll-free hotline for roadside assistance 24 hours a day. Accepted at every Ford and Lincoln dealer in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For covered repairs, you pay only the applicable deductible. A Ford Protect Extended Service Plan takes the risk out of vehicle ownership.
Looking for examples of "custom cover" from ESPHome.io
2020年3月8日 · I found slatri’s post: Cover component - Custom cover? and he’s doing some stuff with a rotary encoder. That’s more advanced than what I’m trying to do. I want to try to build up a 4-state garage door opener that has CLOSED/OPEN/CLOSING/OPENING based on a state machine that contains two reed switches, a top and bottom.
qlwz/esp_cover: 杜亚KT82TV/W窗帘电机个人固件 - GitHub
本固件使用杜亚KT82TV/W窗帘电机+硬改ESP硬件为基础,实现以下功能: 控制窗帘电机; 自动设置行程; WEB配置页面; MQTT服务器连接控制; 通过MQTT连入Home Assistant
time_based_cover.cpp - GitHub
ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. - esphome/esphome/components/time_based/time_based_cover.cpp at dev · esphome/esphome
boneIO ESP Cover
Optymalizacja wydajności energetycznej, innowacyjne rozwiązania z boneIO ESP RS485/CAN/1Wire – możliwość podłączenia urządzeń zewnętrznych, takich jak Rekuperatory, klimatyzatory, systemy fotowoltaiczne, mierniki mocy itp.
Ford Protect ESP PremiumCare | What's Included in Your Coverage
2025年2月4日 · With a Ford Protect PremiumCARE Extended Service Plan, you are protected from unforeseen covered repairs on your vehicle for up to the earlier of 10 years or 175,000 miles. That's well beyond the New Vehicle Limited Warranty that comes with your vehicle. Now is the time to protect your investment with a Ford Protect PremiumCARE Extended Service ...
Feedback Cover - ESPHome
The feedback cover platform allows you to create covers with position control that can optionally have feedback from sensors to detect the fully-open and fully-closed states (endstops), and from sensors to detect actual movement (opening/closing).
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