Comparison of ESS Sabre DACs - DAC - Audiophile Style
Jun 8, 2018 · All things being equal, the 9038PRO should outperform the 9018K2M, but once you start changing the configuration of the DACs things get a bit more fuzzy. When we first compared the Burr-Brown DAC we were using to the ES9016 we implemented in the QB-9, the Burr-Brown hands down beat the ESS DAC straight out of the box, so to speak.
ESS Standard Filter Preference? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
Aug 1, 2019 · ESS provides 7 standard filters in their ES9026PRO DAC ICs. Filter 1 FAST LINEAR PHASE Filter 2 SLOW LINEAR PHASE Filter 3 APODIZING FAST LINEAR PHAST Filter 4 FAST MINIMUM PHASE Filter 5 SLOW MINIMUM PHASE Filter 6 HYBRID FAST MINIMUM Filter 7 BRICKWALL Due to the AKM fire, we're emergency...
Best sabre ess9038 pro dac? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
Nov 14, 2019 · It's a bit different compared to my Fiio Q5s, K5 Pro and Stoner Acoustic ud130 (all using AKM4493). Between the ESS and AKM, I can detect differences in sound but that is not attributable to dac (all good dac with good measurements should sound the same) but implementation of both dac/amp and other circuitary.
good cheap non-ESS DAC with remote/volume/xmos/balanced?
Oct 29, 2024 · Thinking about replacing my "SMSL SU-1 / analog preamp" combo with a DAC-pre. - good measurements - non-ESS - xmos USB - volume control - remote control - balanced out (full size preferred) - display readable at 3m - $150 or less
ES9018K2M Sabre32 Reference. Is it good? - Audio Science Review …
Dec 20, 2022 · "The new kid on the block also benefits from a top-spec, 32-bit DAC chipset from ESS Sabre, along with proprietary circuitry that aims to reduce noise and boost dynamic range." the way that is written is that the DAC is much better ES9038Q2M than …
DAC ESS9023 - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
Apr 16, 2020 · In terms of "how to rate DAC performance", this still raises a question. Maybe the ESS9023 tested would have been not catastrophic on a SINAD chart, but still a very deceptive product. The author raises the point " It seems very contradictory that the ESS9023, which performs flawlessly on sine waves, falls over with a test signal like this.
SMSL M500 Teardown & ESS ES9038Pro DAC Thermal Analysis
Jan 20, 2019 · All ESS devices that I owned (Pioneer N50, N-70, U-05, Xdp-300R/30R, Onkyo DP-X1/DP-S1, Ibasso DX100/DX90J, CALYX M, Fiio M6, Audinst DX1 DAC/AMP, SMSL SU8 DAC, Sabaj D5), sound very clear and transparent. And if you look at the DAC SINAD Measurements on this site, for some reason, in the top lines devices on ESS chip.
Choosing a DAC for DSD playback? - Audio Science Review (ASR) …
May 31, 2019 · The digital filter is claimed by ESS to work at 32 Bits; The digital Volume control is claimed by ESS to work at 32 Bit Precision; The digital filter and ASRC can be bypassed, if you do this DSD no longer works; Number 4 is very telling. The ESS does sample rate conversion on DSD. If you turn off the ASRC, bye bye DSD.
Review and Measurements of AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre …
Feb 13, 2016 · The AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9038Q2M finally brings good performance to HAT DACs. It rivals the performance of the higher priced DACs from Allo and Orchard Audio but at lower cost. Of course for this kind of money you could get an external DAC and get similar performance. Then again you would not have such a compact package.
ES9082 SABRE DAC with integrated DSP - Audio Science Review …
Jan 1, 2019 · The ES9082 SMART DAC and ES9081 DAC are ESS’ next generation devices that deliver a True DNR of +120dB and -108dB THD+N with 2VRMS line driver for each of the 8 channels allowing for an amazing audio experience while reducing the Bill-Of-Material (BOM). Channels can be summed to improve performance in an application requiring fewer channels.