Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) - World Bank
ESS5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement - involuntary resettlement should be avoided. Where involuntary resettlement is unavoidable, it will be minimized and appropriate measures to mitigate adverse impacts on displaced persons (and on host communities receiving displaced persons) will be carefully planned ...
ESS5 includes situations where project makes land physically unusable or inaccessible, even when there is no land acquisition. It covers restrictions on access to communal property and natural resources, including marine and aquatic, timber, freshwater, hunting and gathering ground, grazing and cropping areas.
借款国指导文件 : 环境和社会标准5 土地征用、土地使用 限制和非 …
借款国指导文件 : 环境和社会标准5 土地征用、土地使用 限制和非自愿移民 ... NULL.
The objectives of this proposed Standard are to avoid, or where unavoidable, to minimize involuntary resettlement; avoid forced eviction; and mitigate any adverse impacts through compensation and assistance. Under the proposed ESS5, borrowers would be required to consult with communities affected by resettlement.
This Environmental and Social Standard (ESS) 5 recognizes that project-related land acquisition and land use restriction (LA/LUR), if unmitigated, could give rise to significant economic and/or environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts, and may result in long-term hardship and impoverishment.
Public Documents | The World Bank
ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL FRAMEWORK ESS5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT CONTEXT In August 2016, the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which will go into effect in 2018 and progressively replace the Bank’s Safeguards. The
Environmental Social Standard ESS5_FactSheet_WB_ESF - World …
2017年11月27日 · Document Name Environmental Social Standard ESS5_FactSheet_WB_ESF Document Date 11/27/2017 02:05:02 PM Web Publish Date 11/27/2017 02:13:00 PM Authors Bumgarner,Kimberly Marie Document Type Correspondence Language English Country World
The Guidance Notes provide guidance for the Borrower on the application of the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs), which form part of the World Bank’s 2016 Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). The Guidance Notes help to explain the requirements of the ESSs; they are not Bank policy, nor are they mandatory.
ess-5标准土证书 - 百度文库
ESS-5标准土证书是指符合环境、社会和可持续发展(ESS)要求的土地使用证书。 这种证书通常是由相关机构或组织颁发,旨在衡量土地使用的可持续性和对环境和社会的影响。 ESS-5标准土证书的发放通常需要土地使用者满足一系列标准和要求。 这些标准可能涉及土地的保护、土地治理、土地的社会经济影响、生物多样性保护、碳排放减少等方面。 具体要求可能因地区和颁发机构而异。 ess-5标准土证书-从可持续发展角度来看,ESS-5标准土证书要求土地使用者在土地利用过 …
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