Alevel物理-斯托克斯定律 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月30日 · 球形物体在粘滞 层流中克服的阻力: F=6πrηv 。式中, r 是球体的半径, v 是它是相对于液体的速度, η 是液体的粘滞系数,该式称为斯托克斯定律,外文名Stokes Law,提出者乔治·斯托克斯。 1. 简要概述 当物…
Stokes' law - Wikipedia
The force acting on the sphere can be calculated via the integral of the stress tensor over the surface of the sphere, where e r represents the radial unit-vector of spherical-coordinates:
Stokes Law Derivation - Stokes Formula And Terminal Velocity
Stoke’s Law is a mathematical equation that expresses the settling velocities of the small spherical particles in a fluid medium. The law is derived considering the forces acting on a particular particle as it sinks through the liquid column under the influence of gravity.
Stokes' Law and Terminal Velocity - Concepts of Physics
2019年11月29日 · The viscous drag force on a sphere of radius $r$ moving with a velocity $v$ in a fluid of viscosity $\eta$ is given by Stokes' law \begin{align} F=6\pi\eta r v. \end{align} Stoke's law is valid for laminar flow. The drag on a sphere is proportional to the flow velocity, fluid's viscosity, and sphere's radius.
Stokes' Formula - The Engineering ToolBox
Viscosity force acting on a smooth sphere. The force of viscosity acting on a smooth sphere in stream line motion can be expressed with Stokes' formula: F = 6 π η r v (1) where. F = force (N) η = viscosity of fluid. r = radius of sphere (m) v= relative velocity between fluid and sphere (m/s)
大学物理-流体力学部分(主体内容更新完成) - 知乎
本质:理想流体在重力场中流动的时候的功能关系. 设流体在某一截面流速为v,密度为\rho,高度为h,重力加速度为g,该截面的压强为p. 有: p_1+\rho g h_1+\frac {1} {2}\rho v^2_1=p_2+\rho g h_2+\frac {1} {2}\rho v^2_2\Rightarrow p+\rho g h+\frac {1} {2} \rho v^2为常量. 注: 伯努利方程的应用. 2.小孔的流速. 如图,下面是一个容器,侧壁开了一个小孔,可以认为小孔面积很小,有 S_A>>S_B. 因此,由连续性方程: v_A<<v_B ,可近似认为 v_A=0. 由于A,B两处的压强均为大 …
Stokes’ Theorem and Terminal Velocity for JEE - Vedantu
$\eta $ is the viscosity of a liquid. r is the radius of the spherical body. v is the velocity of flow. As a result of drag force acting on the fluid at the same time, gravitational force will also be acting on the fluid and is given by: ${F_g}=\dfrac {4}{3}~ \pi ~{r^3}~\left(\rho-\sigma\right)~g$ Where, $\rho$ - Density of the liquid
Stokes' Law - University of Virginia
He found what has become known as Stokes’ Law: the drag force F on a sphere of radius a moving through a fluid of viscosity η at speed v is given by: F = 6 π a η v . Note that this drag force is directly proportional to the radius .
Deriving Stokes' law ($f_v=6\\pi\\eta Rv$) in a simple way
2020年3月21日 · Is it possible to derive Stokes' law (Viscous force on a spherical body moving in a fluid $f_v=6\pi\eta Rv$) without using the "$\nabla$" operator (at least not in that form) or other theorems/laws...
Stokes’ law - unifyphysics
(η) is the viscosity of the water, which tells us how thick or syrupy the water is. (r) is the radius of the marble, so a bigger marble feels a bigger push. (v) is the velocity of the marble as it sinks.